Crooks threaten to shoot 5-year-old boy, pistol-whip grandma and steal $40K in Bronx home invasion: police

A trio of masked gunmen threatened to shoot a 5-year-old boy during a daring daylight raid of a Bronx family’s home, police said Saturday.

The suspects, sporting gloves, cinched hoodies and surgical masks, also pistol-whipped the child’s 58-year-old grandmother as they forced their way into an apartment near Gates Place and W. Gun Hill Road in Norwood on Wednesday morning, cops said.

The suspects waited outside a 30-year-old woman’s apartment before the door was eventually opened about 8 a.m. and the trio stormed inside.

They pulled handguns, pointing them at the woman’s 5-year-old boy and demanding cash they believed was stashed in the home.

The suspects pistol-whipped the 58-year-old woman before her daughter took the robbers to a portable safe in a back bedroom.

The crooks grabbed the safe, which contained about $40,000, and ran off, cops said.

Two of the thieves were last seen loading the safe into a gray sedan and speeding off, cops said. The third suspect fled in a dark blue SUV.

The 30-year-old woman and her son were not injured. The child’s grandmother suffered a minor injury, but refused medical attention at the scene.

The gunmen are believed to be between 18 and 20 years old and were all about 5-feet-8 with light complexions. All three had thin builds.

They were caught on surveillance cameras in the building before barging into the apartment. Police released the images Saturday in the hopes someone recognizes them.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.