Cricket's mental health crisis: the unseen stories

Success is supposed to bring happiness, but four voices from inside cricket beg to differ.

Wayne Law

Joined the senior squad at Glamorgan in 1997 before leaving the county three years after playing 23 first class matches.

Glamorgan let me go at the end of the 2000 season and I don't blame them - my behaviour had become erratic. 

I was off the rails, in a bad frame of mind. My partner left and took the kids, and I was addicted to painkillers, taking 15-25 a day. I was drinking a lot and at my lowest. I couldn't see any way out. I didn't feel alive, just numb. I had no money. I was contemplating suicide. People will say: 'Oh, but you've got kids, family.' But when you've hit that low, you don't care about yourself and nothing seems real. 

In 2014 I first became aware of the PCA. Jason Ratcliffe [then assistant chief executive] spoke to me and told me we could sort this out. And it was 'we', it wasn't 'you'. It was a weight off my shoulders. Within a couple of days, I had a bed, a washing machine - everything was in place. Plus they helped me financially for 12 months. 

Wayne Law
Law during his Glamorgan days

I began speaking to a consultant in London and he thought the best course of action was to go to the Priory in Bristol. Within 24 hours, I was there. I had gone from feeling numb and hopeless to having a network and team around me. I could ring them at 3am or 5am in the morning, it didn't matter - so long as I was safe. It kick-started me.

When you're in professional sport, everyone on the outside assumes you are on a good wage, have a nice car, have a good flat. But the truth is, sport is a high-pressure job. If you don't score your runs, take your wickets, you're fighting for your contract. Luckily for me, the PCA intervened and saved my life.  

Matthew Maynard

His son, Tom, was killed in 2012 after being electrocuted and hit by a train in London. Matthew is now director of cricket at Somerset. 

We had a knock on the door in the morning. I was upstairs and my daughter knocked on my door and said the police were here. They told us there had been an accident and Tom was dead. They were very blunt about it. And then it was on the news channels on TV and very soon everyone knew about it. 

We went down to west Wales to a friend's caravan and had a few days down there, walking, going to the beach. Just to try and comprehend what had happened. But what are the options? They're drastic. The options are that you consider taking your own life. To think that we would never see him again was horrendous.

Matthew Maynard, - Credit: Getty Images
Maynard is director of cricket at Somerset Credit: Getty Images

Alcohol helped, I suppose, but I don't think you can deal with something so life-changing to you as a family. But you do see who your true friends are at those times, those people who are there for you and seem to just listen. 

You need to talk, you need that avenue of communication and that channel is very helpful. Speaking to a counsellor about Tom really helps. I still have dark days but I know that I can always pick up the phone and speak to someone if I need to. And the PCA will not just help the one person who has played cricket: their Benevolent Fund will look after the whole family. 

I fell out of love with cricket but through the Benevolent Fund I have got that love back. You want to help people become the best people and cricketers they can be. 

Simon Cusden

Represented England under-19s and played for Kent and Derbyshire. Subsequently set up a coaching company.

When I was playing, someone at the PCA said that I needed to think about life after cricket, and I thought: 'What does that even mean? What is life after cricket?' 

It's hard to know, looking back, whether it was being in denial about letting go of the cricket dream. In 2004 I played well, I was disciplined, focused and present. 2005 was the comedown year, and in 2006 it spiraled. I was turning up to training in the mornings drunk. I created this persona that everything was amazing, I'm earning money, I have a beautiful wife. I sort of lived my life on social media and kept my immediate relationships to a minimum. 

The first time I shared any of this was six years after my career finished and by that time, the spiral had got out of control. I didn't feel I had much hope. I had got sober but now I was back worse than I was before. I was drinking two to three bottles of whiskey a day for days on end. And then suicidal thoughts came into my brain. 

Simon Cusden - Credit: GETTY IMAGES
Simon Cusden represented England under-19s Credit: GETTY IMAGES

I was camping once and I thought I would tie a rock to my foot and jump in the river, where the tent was. I thought that as long as the rock was heavy enough then it will do the job. Quite clinically, I jumped in. But after maybe a minute or so, my whole body started fighting it. It wasn't my mind - my mind wanted to stay there until it was over. But something in me wanted to not die. So I swam to the surface, even though this rock was almost too heavy to lift. I climbed out and remember being really annoyed because I couldn't even kill myself. I sat on the grass and thought: 'I really do only know how to drink.'

I knew the PCA was fantastic and that the Benevolent Fund was there. I just wasn't in a position to ask for help. But if it wasn't for them then I would be dead. 

Brian Rose

Captained Somerset and played nine Tests for England before becoming chairman of cricket at Somerset, a post he left in 2012. 

I've had several falls over the last 18 months because I was suffering from a loss of balance. I spent two or three occasions in hospital, once with a fractured skull and another with inflammation. 

If you're not physically able to do anything that becomes hard to cope; financially, too, if you've still got a mortgage to pay. And as well as not being able to move I was also going in to have major dental surgery. I had serious problems with my teeth falling out, so trying to speak at a team meeting, for example, became almost hilarious. 

If you have no teeth and you can't move, you have a big problem. You can't work for too long, and you start losing contracts. 

Brian Rose  - Credit: Getty images
Brian Rose played for England nine times between 1977 and 1981 Credit: Getty images

Initially, the mental problem was a big one to overcome. I understand people who have had depression and mental problems to deal with much better now. Everybody in all forms of life needs help. The quicker you can talk to someone, the better it is. Once you get help from professionals it makes a huge difference. 

Once the interpretation came from my dental surgeon back to the PCA, it only took days to sort out. 

It has been a big change. I have gone out more; I could not do an interview like this as I would have been lisping and too embarrassed to talk because of not having any teeth. Being able to confront the problems I have had is quite something for me. 

To help the PCA Benevolent Fund - which is sponsored by Royal London - continue to provide wide-ranging support you can donate £5 by texting ‘BENF17 £5‘ to 70070 or by visiting pcabenevolent.