Crazed N.Y. Rangers Superfan Ansel Elgort Nearly Bites It at Game


We’ll go on a limb and say Ansel Elgort is really excited that the hockey season started. (Splash News)

Ansel Elgort’s excitement over the New York Rangers home opener nearly brought him to his knees.

The Divergent actor, 21, took a bit of a tumble Saturday while rooting on his home team. He was animated throughout the game — jumping, hugging, and selfie-ing — but, when making an apparent play for a loose puck, he jumped over his seatmate, Alex Manon, and nearly bit it.


(Splash News)

Not that his fans minded seeing a hint of his undies.

And, for the record, he got the puck.


(Splash News)

Elgort, who moonlights as a DJ (though don’t you dare say it’s a vanity project), was sitting behind fellow celebrities Gigi Hadid and Joe Jonas, so that, of course, called for a group selfie. He captioned it, “RANGERS HOME OPENER!!!” but it might as well have said, “#OurSeatsAreBetterThanYours.”



A New York City native, Elgort loves going to Madison Square Garden. He was every bit as much of a ham at a Knicks game back in January, where he definitely enjoyed the courtside view.


(Splash News)

So a good lesson to learn from all this? If you are at a sporting event and Ansel sits down next to you, you may want to stay on your toes.