Covid-19 tsunami of suffering: The pandemic isn’t pausing; U.S. shouldn’t either

One thing scientists know with certainty is that viruses don’t get pandemic fatigue, but people do. This matters today as America enters a dangerous period in which the actions of government and individuals will likely determine how many people die and whose lives our society values.

We’ve known since the dawn of this pandemic that winter would be especially bad in terms of disease transmission. Many politicians put forth a different narrative, but public health leaders were clear that we should expect cases to spike and hospitals to be overwhelmed.

We’re witnessing the dark clouds of the pandemic storm today, reminiscent of the worst days of spring and summer. In just the past week, the United States has seen some of the year’s highest numbers: more than 1 million new cases and about 8,600 deaths.

Following public health guidelines as winter approaches

The holiday season — with colder weather, more indoor gatherings and families traveling — is a virus’ friend. As I led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the earliest days of the H1N1 pandemic in the spring of 2009, we anticipated winter with heightened trepidation. But one of the lessons then — and a critical point today — is that public health guidelines are only as effective as people’s ability to follow them.

As we enter this challenging period of the pandemic, too many Americans are reluctant to do those things that would help blunt the spread of the virus, Congress is at a stalemate and many people simply don’t have what they need to be safe.

Moderna’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine on Nov. 16, 2020, in Paris.
Moderna’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine on Nov. 16, 2020, in Paris.

A long-overdue aid package is stalled in Congress, and the coronavirus rescue package and subsequent legislation that helped the nation navigate the early stages of COVID-19 have largely been exhausted or include provisions that will expire Dec. 31:

Paid sick leave supports that helped flatten the curve will go away.

►Enhanced income payments for unemployed workers and stimulus checks are no more, even as a million Americans have filed for unemployment claims for over 30 consecutive weeks.

Up to 40 million renters are at risk of losing their homes without an eviction moratorium extension.

►The number of uninsured Americans will likely eclipse 30 million by year’s end, a burden carried mainly by low-income workers and their families. Before the 2020 clock runs out, federal support also must be provided to fiscally strapped states battling this surge. To not do so would be unconscionable.

We’ve already seen throughout this pandemic how essential workers who are keeping America moving — disproportionately people of colorhave paid the greatest price in lost lives and suffering. Millions of front-line workers want to do the right thing to protect themselves, their families and their communities, but they can’t because the policies aren’t in place to support them. Too many people are forced to make a choice between going to work to put food on the table and to pay rent, or stay home to keep safe. We need to ensure that everyone can do what’s necessary to prevent community spread and save lives: Wear masks, social distance and isolate when sick.

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Renters and homeowners must have the confidence that they can remain housed for the duration of this pandemic and not evicted in the dead of winter. The millions without work must have the income supports to feed their families and to protect themselves and their communities. Those fortunate enough to be employed must have the confidence that should they or someone in their household fall ill, they can take paid leave to protect their families, co-workers and, often, their customers.

With rates of food insecurity spiking, a significant and permanent increase in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is long overdue. And states and health systems must have the funds necessary to handle this winter surge while planning for the equitable and swift distribution of vaccines.

Glimmers of hope with new vaccines

We cannot neglect the reality that communities of color have borne the brunt of this pandemic because of this nation’s long legacy of structural racism. This reality and other truths have been elevated this year through a movement for racial justice.

Congress and other leaders in Washington must not ignore the disproportionate impact we’ve already witnessed, and they must not allow this miserable year to end without legislative actions to mitigate the pain. As a matter of public health and moral decency, lawmakers must act to provide the resources so people can protect their lives and livelihoods.

COVID vaccines: For COVID-19, vaccine offers light at the end of a dark winter

As we look to the new year, we see glimmers of hope. New data out Monday from Moderna, and last week from the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine trial, are promising.

Studies also have shown that advancements in treatments have improved COVID-19 survival.

We can be more hopeful that a vaccine could augur the beginning of the end of this pandemic, but that won’t help us this winter. The ability to follow science-based public health measures and guidelines has always been the best path toward rebuilding our economy, and this must be our focus now and in the months to come.

We’ve passed a quarter of a million deaths in the United States from COVID-19. Without actions by federal and state governments, and a renewed commitment for people to follow public health guidance, the tsunami of suffering in 2020 will continue well into the new year.

Dr. Richard E. Besser, a physician and former acting director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is president and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in Princeton, New Jersey. Follow him on Twitter: @DrRichBesser

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: COVID-19: with winter coming we can't stop fighting the virus