Of Course Steve Martin Played Roger Stone to Perfection on 'Saturday Night Live'

From Esquire

Thanks to Donald J. Trump, American president, the public has gotten to know the, uh, people of dubious merit in his orbit, like Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Corey Lewandowski, as well as former cabinet secretaries like Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke for their, uh, allegedly loose regard for the notion of ethics. Last week, two more characters had their turn in the spotlight.

Roger Stone

Photo credit: Mike Coppola - Getty Images
Photo credit: Mike Coppola - Getty Images

The Trump sympathizer and hall-of-fame political ratfucker, who has a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back, was arrested in a pre-dawn FBI raid on Friday as part of Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation.

Wilbur Ross

Photo credit: Steven Ferdman - Getty Images
Photo credit: Steven Ferdman - Getty Images

The Secretary of Commerce, who allegedly stole $120 million from his business partners, said this week that federal workers furloughed due to the government shutdown should take out loans to buy food. (In other words: Let them eat loans!)

Thanks to their headline-making turns, both Stone and Ross showed up in the cold open of Saturday Night Live, with Kate McKinnon as Ross and Steve Martin(!) as Stone. McKinnon's Ross sought to explain his remarks to the hosts at Fox News.

“I simply meant that there are other ways of getting money-like, they could’ve liquidated some of their stock, or sold one of their paintings. Even if they sold a lesser Picasso, that’s still going to get you through a week or two of yacht maintenance.”

And Martin's Roger Stone was sheer exuberance-not far off from the real Stone. “What a fun couple of days,” Martin's Stone says. “I’m loving the ride. Go Nixon!”

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