Council on Aging to open doors Aug. 2

Jul. 9—The quiet has been deafening.

And so after more than a year of no activities, the employees at the Cass County Council on Aging are dusting off the chairs and clearing space for the weekly line dancing gathering, among other social events. After all, said Executive Director William Calhoun, "it's time. We've gone 16 months with it being dead quiet in this building. We have a huge space and we're not using it."

But on Aug. 2, that will all change. The Council on Aging at 115 S. Sixth St. will once again open its doors to the public.

"It's kind of like we're starting brand new," said Calhoun, explaining that the facility hasn't been touched since it first shut down due to COVID. The chairs, caked in dust, have been resting on tables so the floors could be cleaned. Meals haven't been available. Bingo hasn't existed.

Now, life is returning to the building at the corner of Sixth and High streets. And Calhoun couldn't be more pleased.

According to Monica Hipsher, the new senior activity director, "the idea is to bring back normalcy, something I am sure all of us are looking forward to."

Floor and low-impact yoga exercises will begin on Aug. 2. Bingo, euchre, board games, and dinner club also will kick back into gear.

Calhoun said lunch will be served beginning Aug. 16. Meals will be prepared by Area Five. In order to keep track of the number of meals needed, Calhoun asks people to call in advance or stop by the Council on Aging site to place an order. Meal orders are required at least one week prior to Aug. 16. Food will be served between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

The same courtesy must be extended for those who wish to participate in the supper club outings, said Hipsher, adding that the first excursion will be on Aug. 26 to the Oakdale Dam Inn in Monticello. Transportation will be provided.

"This was something we had planned before the pandemic hit and (we) already had certain seniors who were signed up to go," said Hipsher, adding that the club will continue once a month, traveling to a different restaurant for a night of fun.

Fun also is the keyword for the return of the line-dancing event.

From 6 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, seniors are welcome to join Stella Hoover for a free night of kickin', slippin', and slidin' along the floor to some good-ol' country music.

As the Council on Aging gets back into the groove, Hipsher said she would like to implement new activities and events for the seniors. She would like people to stop by and visit her at the center or call at 574-722-2424 to provide suggestions. Also use that number to reserve a meal or spot for the supper club outing.

Calhoun cautioned that due to the pandemic, only the entrance facing Sixth Street will be open to the public. This will help staff keep track of the number of people inside the facility.

If a person has been vaccinated, then he or she is not required to wear a mask. However, he said, it is recommended for those who have not received the vaccine.

Reach Kristi Hileman at or 574-732-5150