Cory Booker Has Been Tied to Cory Booker for Senate Domains for Years

Cory Booker Has Been Tied to Cory Booker for Senate Domains for Years

Cory Booker might have to buy a website for that not-so-secret Senate run he hasn't announced yet from one of his top advisors. Or maybe they could work out a deal, because the Newark mayor's advisor has owned the key domain name since 2010.

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The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that Booker is leaning toward a run at Sen. Frank Lautenberg's seat in 2014. It's been a terribly kept secret that Booker wants out of local politics and into a national role, even if he is a national figure, headline favorite, and flailing Obama campaign surrogate. But because Chris Christie is so freakin' popular right now, what with his SNL appearances and also, maybe, his response to Hurricane Sandy, Booker is leaning more toward the Senate than the governor's office — even if Christie has his eye on 2016. Booker knows a losing battle when he sees one. 

RELATED: Cory Booker Says What We're All Thinking: He's Ready for Bigger Things

The New York Observer's Hunter Walker figured out that Booker's people have squatted on and since 2010. Specifically, his fundraising advisor and former City Hall aide, Bari Mattes did. Does this get us any closer to figuring out what Booker's going to do? No, but it tells us his people plan ahead.

RELATED: Anti-Cory Booker Mayhem Turns City Council Meeting into Near-Riot

Booker said on Face the Nation two weeks ago that he would finally announce what his plans are in... two weeks. Maybe, juuust maybe, will get its official launch on Christmas day. But it's still early, and Mayor Booker still has some complaining to do.