Coronavirus live updates: Task force shifting focus; 10,000 cases in meatpacking plants; April jobs report could be worst ever

The White House coronavirus task force will shift its focus to developing vaccines and reopening the economy – and it won't be shutting down soon, President Donald Trump said Wednesday.

Trumps tweeted his latest vision one day after Vice President Mike Pence announced plans to wind down the task force as early as this month, despite little indication the pandemic is easing nationwide. Only 12 states are currently showing a sustained case reduction while 15 have experienced sustained increases.

There were more than 1.2 million confirmed coronavirus cases and 73,000 deaths in the U.S. as of Wednesday, according to the John Hopkins University data dashboard. Worldwide, the virus has killed over 263,000 people and infected more than 3.7 million.

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Here are some of the most important developments Wednesday:

  • There have been more than 10,000 coronavirus cases linked to the meatpacking industry, and at least one in 170 plants over 29 states.

  • The economy remains in crisis, with an April jobs report due Friday expected to reflect the worst month ever for the nation's workers.

  • Despite social distancing restrictions, only a dozen states are showing reduction in coronavirus cases. Meanwhile, influential models are predicting higher death tolls that surpass 110,000 by the end of June and 130,000 by August.

In honor of National Nurses Day, we've compiled gift ideas for you to show your appreciation for the work they do. Check it out here.

What we're talking about: The New York City health department says children have presented symptoms of the mysterious Kawasaki disease, raising concerns about a COVID-19 link. Here's what we know about the rare inflammatory condition.

Donald Trump says coronavirus task force won't shut down soon

Less than a day after signaling the White House coronavirus task force would be disbanded, President Donald Trump said Wednesday that the group will "continue on indefinitely" and shift focus to reopening and manufacturing vaccines. Vice President Mike Pence and other officials said Tuesday the group's work would be transferred to federal agencies within weeks. That plan drew fire from some critics who said it was too soon to disband the group.

"The Task Force will continue on indefinitely with its focus on SAFETY & OPENING UP OUR COUNTRY AGAIN," Trump posted in a series of tweets Wednesday. "The Task Force will also be very focused on Vaccines & Therapeutics. Thank you!"

– John Fritze and David Jackson

More than 10,000 coronavirus cases in meatpacking plants across US

The meatpacking industry hit a grim milestone this week with the number of coronavirus cases tied to outbreaks at its beleaguered plants reaching more than 10,000, according to USA TODAY and Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting tracking.

At least 170 plants in 29 states have had one or more worker test positive for the coronavirus. Some of those workers also have infected others, which is included in the count. At least 45 workers have died. The outbreaks have prompted the closure of at least 40 meat slaughtering and processing plants — lasting anywhere from one day to several weeks — since the start of the pandemic.

The shutdowns sparked meat shortages in some parts of the country and triggered an executive order by President Donald Trump to keep plants open. But more than a week after Trump’s order, closures have continued unabated, the media outlets found.

ICE detainee in California dies from coronavirus

The first apparent death of a detainee in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody was confirmed by a California official.

Dr. Eric McDonald, medical director for San Diego County's Health and Human Services Agency's Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch, said a 57-year-old man who was being held at Otay Mesa Detention Center passed away Wednesday from complications of COVID-19. The man had been hospitalized since late April, according to McDonald.

ICE has not yet confirmed the death. An ICE spokesperson told The Desert Sun on Wednesday morning that there had not been any coronavirus deaths among ICE detainees. CoreCivic, which owns and operates Otay Mesa, has not responded to requests for comment.

– Rebecca Plevin, Palm Springs (Calif.) Desert Sun

New York's newest hospitalizations: People sheltering in place, older folks, minorities

Two-thirds of COVID-19 hospitalizations in New York involve people who reportedly were sheltering at home as opposed to "essential workers" who have been going to work, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday. Another 18% were from nursing homes, Cuomo said. He said the state has been studying about 1,000 admissions at 100 hospitals over three days. Almost three-quarters of the patients were 51 or older and most were minorities.

Cuomo noted that the city has taken the unprecedented step of shutting down the subway system overnight to disinfect it, hoping to curb the spread. But the impact that has had is now in question.

“We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we’ve taken special precautions," Cuomo said. "But no, these people were literally at home.”

Disinfecting wipes scarce till summer

Don't expect an abundance of disinfecting products at the store for several more weeks.

Clorox says retail shelves will not be fully stocked with its popular wipes and other disinfectant cleaners used to combat COVID-19 until the summer. “It’s going to be touch and go until then, unfortunately,” Clorox chairman and CEO Benno Dorer told Yahoo Finance in an interview.

Shoppers have become increasingly frustrated as they scour the internet and local stores for Lysol sprays and Clorox wipes, only to find shelves picked clean. Manufacturers like Clorox were not prepared for skyrocketing demand in an usually predictable sector.

– Jessica Guynn

A masked president, or so he says

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he briefly wore a face mask during his visit to an Arizona plant that is manufacturing protective gear, but said he was told it wasn't necessary during a subsequent tour of the facility.

Trump on Tuesday visited a Honeywell plant in Phoenix that is making the masks, one of his first trips outside of the White House since the coronavirus crisis struck in the U.S. Reporters traveling with the president saw him wearing goggles, but not a mask.

Trump told reporters in the Oval Office a day later that he wore a mask "for a period of time" near the start of the tour, and couldn’t help it if the media didn't see it. Workers at the plant were seen in masks.

Critics said the president set a poor example, especially at a plant that actually makes respirator masks and has signs calling on workers there to wear them. Vice President Mike Pence was widely criticized days earlier when he chose not to wear a mask as he visited the Mayo Clinic. Pence later acknowledged that he should have worn one.

-- John Fritze and David Jackson

Dallas salon owner jailed for refusing order to close shop

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is among the prominent officials who have come to the defense of a Dallas hair salon owner who was sentenced to seven days in jail for refusing to close her shop, in defiance of Abbott's own order meant to stem spread of the coronavirus.

Shelley Luther of Dallas declined an opportunity to apologize and get a fine instead of jail for repeatedly flouting the order. She was cited last month for keeping her salon open despite state and local mandates to keep nonessential businesses closed. She not only defied the order but also tore up a cease-and-desist letter in front of TV cameras.

“Compliance with executive orders during this pandemic is important to ensure public safety; however, surely there are less restrictive means to achieving that goal than jailing a Texas mother,” Abbott said in a statement Wednesday.

Thousands of ventilators for national reserve

Thousands of new ventilators, the life-saving machines in limited supply during the early stages of the pandemic in the U.S., are pouring into the federal government’s reserve.

This week was the deadline for the first set of ventilators that President Donald Trump compelled companies to produce after invoking the Defense Production Act on April 2. The move came after coronavirus-stricken patients inundated hospitals and tapped their supplies.

More than 4,400 of the breathing machines had been produced for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Strategic National Stockpile, according to Stephanie Bialek, a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In all, the government ordered 187,000 from nine companies that it expects to receive in batches throughout the year.

– Erin Mansfield

Airlines push for TSA temperature checks, 'immunity passports'

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly on Wednesday accelerated his push for traveler health screenings, calling for passenger temperature checks by the Transportation Security Administration. Kelly and other airline executives have repeatedly said health screenings are crucial to convince travelers it is safe to fly again. Delta CEO Ed Bastian has raised the prospect of a new public health agency that might issue "immunity passports.''

"We’re urging the TSA to begin temperature scans as part of the screening process at the checkpoints,'' Kelly said in an interview with "CBS This Morning."

– Dawn Gilbertson

April jobs report expected to be worst in history

The April jobs report due out Friday will likely reveal the highest U.S. unemployment rate on record at 15% to 20%, but even that figure will probably understate the scale of joblessness across the nation. Some economists reckon that one-third or more of Americans who were laid off in the weeks leading up to the Labor Department’s April jobs survey aren't even looking for work and so aren’t counted as unemployed. A silver lining: Jacob Oubina, senior economist at RBC Capital Markets, foresees unemployment tumbling to 4% by December if the country manages to dodge a second virus wave. And all those layoffs? “I think it’s all temporary,” he says.

– Paul Davidson

Trump hotel lays off 500 workers

A Las Vegas hotel partly owned by President Donald Trump has laid off more than 500 workers, according to documents recently made public. In an April letter to the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Trump International Hotel Las Vegas notified officials that 552 workers would temporarily lose their jobs.

"Based on the fluid and rapidly evolving nature of this situation, however, at this time we are unable to provide a specific date at which we will be able to recommence regular hotel operations and return affected employees to work," human resources director LaDawndre Stinson wrote in the letter posted to DETR's website.

The hotel is in part owned by the Trump Organization, which is managed by Trump's sons Eric and Donald Jr.

– Ed Komenda, Reno Gazette Journal

European Union expects 'historic' recession

The European Union is bracing for “a recession of historic proportions” because of the deep impact of measures to combat the coronavirus. The 27-nation bloc released its first official estimates of damage on the economy, which is predicted to contract by 7.5% this year.

Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte, whose country has recorded the third-most cases and deaths in the world, said in a newspaper interview that a new government decree will stimulate the construction industry by offering tax credits for bringing buildings up to seismic standards and release funds to renovate Italy’s schools and simplify bureaucracy for public works projects.

-- The Associated Press

Donald Trump marks National Nurses Day with proclamation

President Donald Trump signed a proclamation marking National Nurses Day, lauding nurses for their "valiant sacrifices." Several nurses attended the event in the Oval Office.

"America's nurses are waging a war against the invisible enemy. They're fighting on the front lines of the battle risking their health to save lives of fellow citizens," Trump said. "It's dangerous and it's people they don't know."

Perhaps more relevant to nurses was a long list of freebies and great deals offered by businesses across the nation. Dunkin’ was offering a medium hot or iced coffee and a free doughnut to all health care workers who stop by. Chipotle was offering free burritos. Many deals are available all week – it's also National Nurses Week, which ends May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale (in 1820). These superheroes may not wear capes – but they do wear masks.

Businessmen to be charged with lying to obtain stimulus cash

Two New England businessmen are the first in the nation to be charged with falsifying information to obtain forgivable loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration, according to U.S. Attorney's office in Rhode Island. The men are accused of claiming they laid off dozens of workers at four different businesses because of the pandemic. In reality, there were no employees working at any of the entities, federal prosecutors said. No money was released to the suspects, David Butziger, 51, and David Staveley, 52.

– Katie Mulvaney, Providence Journal

Researcher Bing Liu nearing important COVID discovery shot dead

A University of Pittsburgh professor who was "on the verge of making very significant findings" about COVID-19 was killed in an apparent murder-suicide, authorities say. Bing Liu, 37, was found dead at home Saturday. Authorities say his alleged killer was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Bing was working on understanding "the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications," a statement issued by his colleagues said. "We will make an effort to complete what he started in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence."

– N'dea Yancey-Bragg

More than a dozen countries say they are virus free

More than a dozen nations haven't reported a single infection since the coronavirus was first discovered in December 2019, the World Health Organization confirmed to USA TODAY. Most of them are isolated Pacific islands where closed borders could have kept them protected. That does not explain North Korea, Turkmenistan and Lesotho, all of which share borders with countries that have confirmed cases. Experts say they likely are withholding information or simply not testing.

"They all have to play the long game," said J. Stephen Morrison, who directs global work at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "They may be successful up to a point for now, but their population doesn't have immunity from this."

– Adrianna Rodriguez

More coronavirus news and information from USA TODAY

Many Starbucks stores will reopen this week after closing amid coronavirus

As COVID-19 restrictions ease in more cities and states, Starbucks plans to reopen 85% of its U.S. coffee shops but with new protocols such as mobile ordering, pickup without contact and cashless payments to protect customers and employees from exposure to the virus. Locations will be open by the end of this week and 90% will be open by early June, chief executive Kevin Johnson told customers in a letter posted online.

Starbucks will offer options such as curbside pick-up. Johnson says he expects the Seattle-based coffee giant’s mobile app – already used by 20 million – will become the most common form of payment.

– Jessica Guynn

States reopening: Massachusetts mask order; Oregon reopens 8 state parks

Beginning Wednesday, Massachusetts required everyone to wear a mask or facial covering while in public under an executive order signed by Gov. Charlie Baker, while Oregon reopened eight state parks to launch a gradual effort to relax limits imposed on recreation.

Also Wednesday, Arkansas permitted barbershops, beauty salons, massage therapists and tattoo artists, among others, to open again, and Delaware allowed some businesses to resume "limited operations" under social distancing rules. Here's the latest on all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

More coronavirus headlines from USA TODAY

Contributing: The Associated Press

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Coronavirus update: Task force stays; 10,000 cases at meatpackers