Coronavirus latest news: UK 'getting safer every day' as almost 1 in 5 adults have had first vaccine, says Nadhim Zahawi

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The UK is "getting safer every day" as almost one in five adults have now had their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, Nadhim Zahawi has said.

The NHS is on track to meet its target of vaccinating the top four priority groups by mid-February through a "close focus on the most vulnerable", the vaccines minister told MPs.

More than nine in 10 people over the age of 80 have now had their first dose of the vaccine, as have nine in 10 over-75s and over half of all over-70s.

"Our vaccination programme is our way out of this pandemic, and we appear to be past the peak, but this remains a deadly virus and it will take time for the impact of vaccinations to be felt," said Mr Zahawi, urging Britons to "stand firm" in the meantime.

It comes as the Government is now under pressure to reveal its lockdown exit plan with Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, concerned that scientists are "moving the goalposts" in terms of restrictions.

Follow the latest updates below.

07:01 PM

What happened today

Good evening. Here is a round-up of today's major coronavirus developments:

06:57 PM

Britain stands out for tough lockdown - but other countries juggling the same pressures

Four weeks into our third lockdown, the British public could be forgiven for looking longingly at New Zealand, writes Daniel Capurro.

Life goes on almost as normal there, with face masks restricted only to air travel and Auckland’s public transport network.

Blessed by its geographical isolation and relative lack of international travellers, the island nation has been able effectively to shut itself off from the pandemic and, after an early lockdown last year, declare itself Covid-free.

While the days of social distancing are over, it hasn't always been plain sailing in New Zealand - Gilles Martin-Raget/AFP
While the days of social distancing are over, it hasn't always been plain sailing in New Zealand - Gilles Martin-Raget/AFP

It’s not all been plain sailing, however. The price of Covid liberty is eternal vigilance – and a willingness to enact harsh restrictions at the smallest trigger.

On August 12, Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, was placed in a Level 3 lockdown for 18 days, with public venues closed and household mixing limited to bubbles, after just four cases of unknown origin. Social distancing remained in place until October 7.

06:45 PM

'R' rate hits lowest level in 10 months with herd immunity possible by July

The 'R' rate is at its lowest point since April, according to new modelling which suggests coronavirus vaccines are beginning to have an effect, writes Henry Bodkin.

Scientists at University College (UCL) London believe the rate as of Tuesday was 0.65 to 0.86, considerably better than the official Government estimate of 0.7 to 1.1 published last Friday.

They use a more complex and nuanced approach to estimate the current real-world rate of infection rather than looking back roughly two weeks, as Sage does.

The UCL team said their modelling showed that the third national lockdown was the most important factor in explaining the drop in cases from the early January peak.

However, they added that the figures cannot be fully explained without taking into account the growing impact of Covid vaccines, which they believe have an efficacy of at least 56.5 per cent.

06:33 PM

Exiting lockdown: How the goalposts have shifted since January 4

On January 4, Boris Johnson placed the country in lockdown, indicating that several tests must be met before the restrictions could be lifted, writes Sarah Knapton.

The Prime Minister said that if the vaccination rollout continued successfully, if deaths fell, if people stuck to the rules and if the virus did not drastically mutate again, schools could reopen after the February half-term and regions could move back to tiered restrictions.

A Covid-19 public notice urging people to stay at home in London - Andy Rain/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
A Covid-19 public notice urging people to stay at home in London - Andy Rain/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

"We will have removed huge numbers of people from the path of the virus," he said.

Yet although 10 million people have been removed from the path of the virus, there has been a noticeable slippage in the mid-February target even though case numbers, deaths and hospital admissions continue to fall.

Predictions from Government experts as to when restrictions might be lifted now range anywhere from the end of February to the summer. Increasingly, they include worrying forecasts that measures may need to be re-imposed next winter.

06:19 PM

Vaccine diplomacy: Latin America turns to Russia and China to save them from crushing second wave

In the Brazilian jungle city of Manaus, thought to have achieved “herd immunity” during the first, crushing Covid-19 surge last year, exhausted gravediggers are once again burying the thousands of dead vertically, one on top of the other, reports Simeon Tegel.

In Peru, much of the country returned to lockdown on Sunday, with the Andean nation’s already overwhelmed public intensive care capacity of nearly 2,000 beds — a 10-fold increase on the pre-pandemic figure — not even expected to cover half the coming demand.

Workers bury a person who died with covid-19, in the Nossa Senhora Aparecida public cemetery in Manaus, Amazona - Raphael Alves/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
Workers bury a person who died with covid-19, in the Nossa Senhora Aparecida public cemetery in Manaus, Amazona - Raphael Alves/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

In Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the country’s richest man, telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim, both tested positive last week. While López Obrador, 67, has regularly downplayed the pandemic and ignored calls to mask up, Slim, aged 81 and worth £40 billion, may well have been as well shielded as any of Mexico’s 128 million citizens. Both are now said to be recovering.

Across Latin America, from some of the world’s largest cities to remote indigenous communities, the pandemic’s second wave is shooting out of control.

And while the United States, United Kingdom and European Union are prioritising vaccinating their own populations, desperate governments of all political stripes here are turning to Russian and Chinese manufacturers, creating a visceral opportunity for Moscow and Beijing to spread their influence in the region through “vaccine diplomacy”.

06:04 PM

1 in 10 care home residents have not had a vaccine

Around one in 10 eligible care home residents in England have not had their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine, according to NHS data on the vaccination programme.

Nine in 10 residents - 236,499 - had received their first jab by the end of January, out of 260,060 who were eligible for the vaccine, meaning that 23,561 residents are yet to receive their first dose.

Residents of some care homes are yet to be vaccinated because of current outbreaks, the NHS said.

It added that there are also some residents for whom consent has not been provided, or have valid medical reasons for not receiving the vaccine.

05:46 PM

Treat pandemics as a 'matter of national security', experts urge UK

Governments must treat health system resilience as a “matter of national security”, with annual assessments of pandemic preparedness.

The G20 Health and Development Partnership (HDP), a coalition of businesses, charities and academics, called for the creation of a body similar to the Office for Budget Responsibility that would be independent from government and have the power to scrutinise health security.

Speaking to the Telegraph, Alan Donnelly, a former Labour MEP and coordinator of the G20 HDP, said the coronavirus crisis had demonstrated why pandemic plans should be subject to the same level of scrutiny as the budget or issues of national security.

He added that governments should redefine health as an ‘investment’, rather than a ‘cost’.

05:32 PM

'Tories should scrap hated Council Tax in the wake of Covid crisis'

As Rishi Sunak seeks to restore the public finances, a fairer property tax system should be part of the answer, argues Aaron Bell.

Since the 2019 general election, the Prime Minister’s domestic agenda has necessarily been largely dominated by the twin challenges of getting Brexit done and the fight against Covid-19. Now the first item has been accomplished and, thanks to the brilliance of scientists, the vision of our Vaccine Taskforce and the hard work of our frontline NHS staff, the end is in sight on the second.

In the coming months, once the vaccination drive has had the positive impact that we all hope it will, the Government will face a third mighty challenge. As our focus turns to economic growth, and to building back better, we will need to show in no uncertain terms that the Conservative Party has delivered on the promise to level up those towns and cities previously left behind.

With the public finances stretched like never before, I – and an increasing number of Conservative MPs – believe the best way for the Government to show voters that this message has got through is by reforming our outdated property taxes.

Read the full piece here.

05:14 PM

Tom Harris: 'Starmer's going to need to do better than that'

Before we all start writing off Keir Starmer as a future prime minister, it might be worth reminding ourselves that there is a reason that leader of the opposition is described as the toughest job in UK politics, writes Tom Harris.

Having said that, yesterday was not a good day for the Labour leader, arguably his worst since taking office last spring. He’s going to have to do better. The question being asked by his supporters and detractors is: can he?

There is a difference between a lie and an inadvertent false statement. At Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons yesterday, Starmer also was guilty of the latter, not the former. He made a mistake, probably because he had over-rehearsed the answer he planned to give when Boris Johnson posed the much-anticipated question. Except that the prime minister didn’t ask the expected question but an important variation of it.

Instead of accusing Starmer personally of supporting Britain’s involvement in the EU’s Covid vaccine approval process, he accused the Labour leader – correctly – of having supported Britain’s continued membership of the European Medicines Agency, which happens to have responsibility for approval of vaccines. Starmer ploughed ahead with his rehearsed answer anyway and denied Johnson’s accusation. Had he listened more intently – shall we say, forensically? – he may have been able to avoid the bear trap set by Johnson.

Instead he had to issue a humiliating apology afterwards. And the difference between one thing and the other, between membership of the EMA and support for Britain’s participation in the Covid vaccine approval process, was by then lost on a viewing public bored with the finer details. It was an emphatic win for Johnson and a day that will be preferred to be forgotten by Starmer and his office.

05:06 PM

Vaccines minister declines to say whether Government recording data on refusals

The vaccines minister has declined to say whether the Government is recording data on who has refused a coronavirus vaccine.

Nadhim Zahawi said that the number of Britons accepting a vaccination was "incredibly high" in the UK, with 85 per cent of adults accepting the vaccine, according to the Office for National Statistics.

He said that the 15 per cent is skewed heavily towards black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communitied, and acknowledged that recent research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

The research found that white people are twice as likely to have been vaccinated than black people, which Mr Zahawi said was "worrying".

04:45 PM

Nearly a quarter of adults in Somerset have had first Covid vaccine

Nearly a quarter of adults in Somerset and Dorset have had their first vaccine dose, according to new data.

Among adults in both health systems, 23 per cent have had a first dose, according to Health Service analysis of NHS statistics. The average figure across NHS health trusts in England is 18 per cent.

In the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership, and Herefordshire and Worcestershire, the figure stands at 22 per cent.

Currently trailing in terms of vaccinations are North London Partners in Health and Care, which has vaccinated 13 per cent of adults, and East London Health and Care Partnership, which has vaccinated only 11 per cent.

04:28 PM

Hancock 'working to make sure we get hotel quarantine right'

Matt Hancock has said that details of the Government's hotel quarantine scheme will be set out next week, but did not expand on its proposals.

"Of course we're working at pace to further strengthen the measures at the border but we've already put in place isolation for everybody who arrives, wherever they come from in the world," he said.

"We have been working to make sure we get this right. There isn't a delay, what there is is work to make sure that the border is always as secure as it needs to be."

The Government has discussed the issue with ministers in Australia, where quarantine hotels have already been set up, the Health Secretary added.

04:14 PM

Warning over missed lung and prostate cancers as tests referrals remain low

Health chiefs have issued a warning over missed lung and prostate cancers, urging anyone with possible symptoms to come forward for checks, reports Laura Donnelly.

The NHS is launching a national appeal after worrying figures showed the number of people being referred for tests remains far lower than before the pandemic.

Checks for lung cancer are down by almost one third, while the number of men undergoing tests for prostate disease has fallen around 15 per cent in a year.

Matt Hancock, Health Secretary said: “If you notice any unusual symptoms which last more than a few weeks, however mild you think they might be, please come forward and discuss it with your GP. The sooner you speak to your GP, the sooner a diagnosis can be made, the sooner treatment can start, and the more lives we can save.”

The figures for November show that in total, there were 16,636 referrals for urological symptoms, such as prostate cancer, compared with 19,470 in the same month the previous year, a drop of 15 per cent.

Read the full story here.

04:05 PM

20,634 new cases and 915 deaths confirmed

A further 20,634 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed by the Department for Health, which has reported that 801,949 tests were conducted yesterday.

A further 915 people have died with coronavirus within 28 days of testing positive for the disease, which takes the death toll recorded by the Department to 110,250.

Today's caseload means that the seven-day rolling average of cases has fallen by just over 25 per cent, amid some indications that the UK may have passed the peak of the current wave.

03:51 PM

Let's use Sputnik V vaccine, says Italy's 'iron Putinist'

An Italian politician described as an "iron Putinist" has called for the country to adopt Russia's "Sputnik V" coronavirus vaccine, writes Richard Evans in Piedmont, northern Italy.

Maurizio Marrone, a member of Piedmont's regional assembly for the right-wing Fratelli d'Italia party, has called on national health officials to evaluate the opportunity to acquire Sputnik V.

"Germany has already made such a move and Russia has said it will make available 100 million doses for 50 million vaccinations," Mr Marrone said, according to the newspaper La Repubblica. "If we don't hurry, Italy risks losing this opportunity to speed up its vaccination plan after the setbacks of the past few days."

People receive doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at the basket ball court at the River Plate stadium - Matias Baglietto/Reuters
People receive doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at the basket ball court at the River Plate stadium - Matias Baglietto/Reuters

He said he was advocating Italy's use of the Russian vaccine "in light of the publication of the paper in the Lancet scientific journal, which reported the 91 per cent efficacy of Sputnik V".

Other Italian politicians and officials have made similar calls. Letizia Moratti, a former mayor of Milan, echoed Mr Marrone's call for the government to evaluate Sputnik, while Antonio D'Amato, a health official in the Lazio region, which includes Rome, said "there is no time to lose" in acquiring the Russian vaccine, other Italian papers reported. "To have another weapon in this war is fundamental," he said.

Last month the Italian under-secretary for health, Sandra Zampa, did not rule out the use of Sputnik V if it gained approval from European regulators. "Absolutely, why wouldn't we?" she said.

03:38 PM

Seven-year-old with underlying conditions dies with Covid

A seven-year-old with known underlying health conditions is thought to be among the youngest to have died with coronavirus.

The child is among the further 630 people who tested positive for the virus whose deaths in hospital in England were reported by the NHS earlier today.

While the risk from coronavirus to children is low, people with underlying conditions are known to be at higher risk of serious disease.

03:27 PM

Tory lockdown sceptics call for complete end to restrictions by May

Lockdown sceptics on the Conservative backbenches have called for a complete removal of restrictions by the end of May as they fear the Government plans to shift the goalposts on lifting restrictions.

Mark Harper, the chairman of the Covid Recovery Group (CRG), told BBC Radio 4 he thought ministers could "get rid of restrictions completely" by the end of May, when over-50s are set to have had at least one dose of the vaccine.

"Back-of-the-envelope calculations that I did based on two million doses a week, you could get the top nine (priority) groups, first doses, and the top four groups, second doses, all done by the end of May, Mr Harper said

"So it seems to me by the time you get to the end of May, no later than that, you should be in a position to get rid of restrictions completely. But obviously it does depend on the rollout of the vaccine."

Boris Johnson said at a Downing Street press conference last night that the UK's coronavirus infection rate is still "forbiddingly high", meaning that restrictions cannot yet be relaxed.

03:13 PM

Tunisia and Palestinian Territories to receive first Covid vaccines from Covax scheme

Tunisia and the Palestinian Territories will be the first in the Middle East to benefit from Covid vaccines supplied by the global Covax scheme, it emerged this week, as Palestinian leaders said they would begin administering jabs within a fortnight.

The World Health Organisation, which leads the Covax system along with the health partnership Gavi, said more than 100,000 doses were on their way to the two areas.

A Palestinian health worker holds a vial of Covid-19 vaccine at the Palestine Red Crescent hospital - Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP
A Palestinian health worker holds a vial of Covid-19 vaccine at the Palestine Red Crescent hospital - Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP

Tunisia is due to receive 37,000 doses from Pfizer and BioNTech, while the Palestinians will receive 93,600 doses.

The WHO and Gavi set up Covax to provide fair access to coronavirus vaccinations around the world.

"The government will receive the first batch of 50,000 vaccines from several sources, the most important of which is through the International Covax Facility," Mohammed Shtayyeh, the Palestinian prime minister, said. He added that vaccinations would begin in the middle of February.

James Rothwell has more on this story.

03:00 PM

UK urged to share vaccines with poorer countries 'in parallel' with domestic roll-out

The Liberal Democrats have urged the Government to follow Norway's example and share vaccine supplies with other countries "in parallel" with the domestic roll-out.

In a letter seen by the Telegraph, the Liberal Democrat leadership urged Number 10 to commit to donating doses internationally once four million of the most vulnerable people have received two shots in the UK - a goal expected to be hit in mid February.

“Given the number of vaccines the UK has purchased and the impressive vaccine manufacturing capacity that we have developed, we must consider the UK’s responsibility in rolling out the vaccine worldwide,” reads the letter signed by MPs Layla Moran, Sir Ed Davey and Munira Wilson.

“It is time for the UK to step up and work with our allies across the world to ensure that we tackle this pandemic collectively,” the letter added.

Jordan Kelly-Linden and Sarah Newey have more on this story here.

02:49 PM

'Hotel quarantine plan is a dithering shambles'

So, are we going to have a hotel quarantine scheme for foreign travellers or not? asks Ross Clark.

After his success with the vaccination programme, which has earned him grudging plaudits even from hardened Remainers, the Prime Minister has reverted to Grand Old Duke of York mode. Just as he marched his ministers to the top of the hill to oppose second and third lockdowns, as well as to try to keep schools open, they have now been sent to scale Mount Quarantine.

It is three weeks since ministers first floated the idea of forcing international travellers to isolate in airport hotels for 10 days before being allowed to mix with the general population. Then, at the beginning of last week, we got a ‘red list’ of 30 countries to which the rules would apply. By Friday it had grown to a list of 33 countries, and earlier this week we had suggestions that Spain might be added, too.

Yet as the red list grows, we still have no quarantine hotels. We have had no further announcement of how the scheme will operate or when it will begin. The CEO of Best Western hotels says that after initial conversations he has heard nothing at all. In the time that the Government has been prevaricating, we could all have nipped away for a fortnight in Dubai and come back still to find that nothing had happened.

The Government has quite consciously modelled its hotel quarantine plan on those of Australia and New Zealand. But there is one difference: the speed at which the measures were introduced.

Ross Clark: Time to get on with hotel quarantine - or drop it for good

02:25 PM

Quarantine hotel plans in 'shambles' as hotels, airlines and Border Force 'in dark' over plans

Hotel quarantine plans have been branded a "shambles" as hotels, airlines, airports and Border Force officials said they were in the dark over the Government policy three weeks since it was first mooted, reports Charles Hymas.

Rob Paterson, chief executive of the Best Western which has offered up its hotels for use in quarantine, said he would be out of a job if he had handled the plans in such an ill thought out way.

As vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi admitted a delay in the rollout of the hotels, Mr Paterson said he had not “heard anything” from the Government “other than very broad information” about timings and who was handling it, despite making multiple offers over the past month.

An announcement on the policy by Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, had been flagged for today by Boris Johnson at his Downing Street press conference yesterday, but officials said it had been postponed possibly until next week.

Mr Paterson said: “I think if any normal company, you went out and announced a programme nationally that you had not thought about how you were going to plan that, and you had not spoken to the people involved, I am not sure I would have a job if I did that in my company.

Read the full story here.

02:14 PM

England coronavirus deaths in hospitals rise by 630

A further 630 people who tested positive for coronavirus have died in hospital in England, according to the NHS, which takes the total number of deaths reported in hospitals to 74,249.

Patients were aged between seven and 102, and all except 30 - who were aged between 40 and 99 - had known underlying health conditions.

The deaths were between January 4 and February 3, with the majority being on or after 29 January.

02:04 PM

Face mask rules: Should we be wearing medical-grade coverings?

With some countries in Europe making surgical-quality masks compulsory, should Britain do the same or are the alternatives suitable, asks Luke Mintz.

Virtually every country affected by Covid-19 now has some sort of law or guidance encouraging the use of face coverings in public places, and it is easy to be overwhelmed by the variety of masks on offer; cloth, surgical, homemade, medical-grade – the list goes on.

In the UK, it is compulsory to cover your nose and mouth (unless you have a medical exemption) when on public transport, in shops or when not seated at a table in a hospitality venue. But the law does not specify which materials should be used in your mask, and does not give formal standards for masks or coverings.

A traveller wearing an FFP2 protective face mask on a train at Alexanderplatz U-Bahn underground train station in Berlin - Liesa Johannssen-Koppitz/Bloomberg
A traveller wearing an FFP2 protective face mask on a train at Alexanderplatz U-Bahn underground train station in Berlin - Liesa Johannssen-Koppitz/Bloomberg

As a result, most people in the UK wear casual fabric coverings – the sort you can buy from a high street shop. It is also common, and legal, to use scarves and bandanas, or to make your own homemade mask.

But now some scientists are warning that casual fabric coverings might not provide adequate protection against highly contagious new variants of Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. Instead, they say we should wear higher-quality medical-grade masks, known as FFPs, that are built to meet certain industry standards.

Read more: Should Britain follow Germany's lead on face masks?

01:45 PM

Detained migrants' pass to freedom in Italy: just refuse a Covid test

The requirement to take a coronavirus test before boarding a plane during the pandemic has become an unexpected pass to freedom for dozens of migrants held at a detention centre in Italy, writes Erica Di Blasi in Turin.

Word has spread among the migrants that they are not obliged to take the tests required by airlines. When they refuse, the airlines deny them boarding and they avoid repatriation. They can be held at the repatriation centre in Turin for 90 days at most.

Once that time has expired thanks to migrants' repeated refusal to take the tests that would allow them to be put on a plane, the doors of the detention centre open and they go free to go.

When they do so they are given a written order to leave Italy within seven days, but the instruction probably falls on deaf ears and the migrants remain as "irregulars" in Italy until any further brush with the authorities causes them to end up in the mesh of the justice system again.

Before the migrants caught on to the opportunity that refusal to take the tests offered they tended to take them without complaint. The detention centre has enough space to allow new arrivals to be kept in quarantine before any repatriation flight, but this does not get round airlines' requirement for a test in the 72 hours before departure.

Most of those involved are Tunisians and at one time there were two repatriation flights to Tunisia every week, but these flights no longer depart because of the lack of passengers.

01:35 PM

Four dead at fire at infectious disease hospital in Ukraine

A doctor and three coronavirus patients have died after a fire in the intensive care unit of an infectious disease hospital in Zaporozhye in Ukraine.

Oleksandr Staurch, head of the regional administration, said that eight people were saved, but four bodies were found on the arrival of the fire brigade.

A commission will now be set up to investigate the causes of the fire.

"Saddened to hear of the tragic fire at the infectious diseases hospital in Zaporozhye, caring for Covid-19 patients," wrote Hans Kluge, the regional director for the World Health Organisation in Europe.

"My deepest condolences to those who have lost loved ones. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and [its] Ministry of Health, and wish a speedy recovery to those injured."

01:27 PM

Lockdown sceptics desperate for focus to shift to living with the virus

When Sir Graham Brady and fellow Tory MPs appeared on a video conferencing call with a select group of scientists last week, a key theme, naturally, was how quickly Britain can safely move out of lockdown, writes Camilla Tominey.

Sir Graham, the chairman of the 1922 Tory backbench committee, was keen to find out whether the pandemic would become endemic, like the four other human coronaviruses.

"Should we expect the current quite rapid decline of positivity to continue and to coincide with the protection starting to kick in from the vaccines?" he asked.

Although the answer to that depends on how the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 might change as it continues to mutate, what is crystal clear is that lockdown-sceptic MPs are desperate for the scientific focus to shift from pursuing a Covid-free policy to learning to live with the virus.

And it seems that ministers including Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, share their concerns that scientists are "moving the goalposts" when it comes to the lifting of restrictions.

01:11 PM

Covid variants: More than 4,000 are known to exist worldwide, says Zahawi

There are already around 4,000 variants of coronavirus around the world, some of which are "more concerning than others", says Nadhim Zahawi.

He lays out the intention of the Government to have a rapid-response vaccine "future-proofing" mechanism against further Covid mutations.

Manufacturers including Oxford, which stands ready to alter its vaccine if necessary, are "already working on variants to their vaccine to take into account mutations", he adds.

01:04 PM

Vaccines: The next generation in the fight against Covid revealed

It sounds like something out of Star Trek, but it has become the latest hot topic: the “next generation” of Covid-19 vaccines.

The issue has risen to the fore over as yet unconfirmed fears the existing crop of vaccines may not work as well against the new variants.

But it also has the potential to tackle many other issues that are crucial to ending the pandemic.

Jennifer Rigby has the full story.

12:48 PM

Nadhim Zahawi: 'We must all stand firm' amid vaccine roll-out

"No one is really safe until the whole world is safe," says Nadhim Zahawi, announcing a year-long, world-first study which will look at if different vaccines can be safely used for two-dose regimes in future to support flexible distribution.

He says that the current vaccine programme will continue to use the present dosing regime.

Mr Zahawi asks MPs to think about what they can do in their own constituencies.

"Our vaccination programme is our way out of this pandemic, and we appear to be past the peak, but this remains a deadly virus and it will take time for the impact of vaccinations to be felt," he says.

"We must all stand firm, and keep following the steps we know make a real big difference."

12:45 PM

Nadhim Zahawi: UK has 'ambitious plan' to scale up vaccine drive

Nadhim Zahawi says that the UK has an "ambitious plan" to scale up its capacity, and its vaccine portfolio now stands at 400 million doses, some of which will be manufactured in the UK.

Thirty-nine new sites and 62 pharmacy-led sites have opened in the last week, he says, including a centre at Selhurst Park, the home of Crystal Palace Football Club.

"One of the greatest pleasures for me has been seeing the wide range of vaccination sites that have been transformed into life-saving facilities, giving hope to people every day," Mr Zahawi says.

There are now 89 large vaccination centres, plus more than 1,000 GP services and 250 hospital hubs.

12:43 PM

Almost 1 in 5 adults have now had first vaccine, says Nadhim Zahawi

Nadhim Zahawi tells MPs that more than 10 million Britons have now received their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine - amounting to almost one in five adults.

"We're vaccinating at scale, while at the same time retaining a close focus on the most vulnerable in our society to make sure those at greater risk are at the forefront of the queue," Mr Zahawi says.

"We have now vaccinated almost nine in ten over-80s in the UK, almost nine in ten over-70s and nearly half of the people in their 70s."

The vaccines minister adds that all elderly care home residents and staff at old-age care homes have been offered vaccines, and the Government is on target to meet its mid-February target of offering vaccines to the top four priority groups.

"I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has made this happen - hundreds of thousands of volunteers, our colleagues in the NHS, the GPs, the doctors, the nurses, the manufacturers, the local authorities, the Armed Forces, the civil service who work night and day to make this deployment possible."

12:36 PM

San Francisco sues own school district in a bid to stop children becoming 'Zoom-bies'

The city of San Francisco took a dramatic step yesterday in its effort to get children back into public school classrooms, suing its own school district to try to force open the doors amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The lawsuit was the first of its kind in California and possibly the country, as school systems come under increasing pressure from parents and politicians to end virtual learning. Teachers unions in many large school districts, including San Francisco, say they won't go back to classrooms until they are vaccinated.

Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco - Jeff Chiu/AP Photo
Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco - Jeff Chiu/AP Photo

City Attorney Dennis Herrera, with the backing of Mayor London Breed, announced he had sued the San Francisco Board of Education and the San Francisco Unified School District as a last resort to salvage what's left of the academic year. They say it's safe to reopen schools.

The school district did not immediately respond to a request seeking comment. Teachers are next in line for the Covid-19 vaccine, and some have started to get shots in rural areas.

Read the full story here.

12:22 PM

Nicola Sturgeon warns Scots against 'dropping our guard prematurely'

Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed 53 new deaths among coronavirus patients in Scotland who tested positive in the last 28 days.

At her daily briefing, the First Minister said that it will "take longer for the numbers of people dying to start to decline as well - there are too many families across the country still losing loved ones."

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon applauds outside St Andrews House during a national clap for late Captain Sir Tom Moore - Jeff J Mitchell/Pool/Reuters
Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon applauds outside St Andrews House during a national clap for late Captain Sir Tom Moore - Jeff J Mitchell/Pool/Reuters

Ms Sturgeon said that while the R number remains below 1, it is "essential that all of us continue to follow the 'stay at home, except for essential purposes' rule - it is all of us doing that which is leading to this positive progress.

"But progress could very easily be reversed if we start to drop our guard prematurely."

The First Minister also confirmed that more than 45,000 people in Scotland were vaccinated yesterday, the highest Scottish total to date and an increase of 52 per cent on the same time last week.

12:10 PM

Coming up: Vaccine minister to address House of Commons

In a few minutes Nadhim Zahawi, the vaccines minister, will address the House of Commons.

You can watch live and follow along with minute-by-minute text updates at the top of this blog.

12:02 PM

Ministers consider extending hotel quarantine as variants emerge in 27 more countries

Ministers are considering extending hotel quarantine to more countries as the Brazilian and South African variants have emerged in 27 more nations including Spain, Charles Hymas reports.

Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, said yesterday that he was “up for strengthening” the current border crackdown, while Grant Shapps, the Transport Secretary, indicated that it could “go to more [countries]” although a blanket border closure has been ruled out.

There are currently 33 “red list” countries from which foreign travel is banned and any Britons returning from them will be required to quarantine at their own cost in Government-approved hotels.

There has been speculation the hotels could open on February 15, but logistical problems mean it may be delayed. An announcement due on Thursday by Mr Hancock has been pushed back, possibly until next week.

Best Western Hotels has emerged as a frontrunner but contracts have yet to be agreed on cost, the operation of the scheme, security and insurance. Problems over insurance are thought to have deterred some companies because of the potential liability for any Covid outbreak.

Read more: Border crackdown 'could go to more nations'

11:47 AM

Rishi Sunak concerned scientists are 'moving goalposts' on Covid lockdown

Rishi Sunak fears scientific advisers are "moving the goalposts" on the requirements for ending lockdown amid growing frustration within the Government, Camilla Tominey, Gordon Rayner and Lucy Fisher report.

The Chancellor is concerned that scientists have replaced the original target of protecting the NHS and saving lives with a focus on getting case numbers down, potentially delaying the end of the restrictions. He has told allies that Britain is approaching a "fat lady sings moment" when lockdown must be lifted, never to return.

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak leaves Downing Street - Simon Dawson/Reuters
Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak leaves Downing Street - Simon Dawson/Reuters

Boris Johnson yesterday announced that more than 10 million people – almost one fifth of the adult population – have now had at least one vaccine dose, describing it as a "colossal" achievement.

It follows the publication of evidence that vaccines slash transmission rates and new data showing that one in seven over-16s in Britain has already had Covid, which has increased the clamour among MPs for a faster lifting of lockdown.

11:30 AM

Test and Trace turnaround highest since July

The latest NHS Test and Trace data show that 82.7 per cent of in-person test results were returned the next day, the highest since July 2020.

A total of 93.6 per cent of contacts were traced by the service, the highest figure since NHS Test and Trace was launched.

Between January 21 and January 27 a total of 196,257 people tested positive for coronavirus, a decrease of 29 per cent on the previous week.

An NHS Test and Trace employee uses a litter picker to hand testing kits through car windows to people arriving at a drive through testing site at a former Park and Ride location in Southport, north west England, - Paul Ellis/AFP
An NHS Test and Trace employee uses a litter picker to hand testing kits through car windows to people arriving at a drive through testing site at a former Park and Ride location in Southport, north west England, - Paul Ellis/AFP

11:19 AM

Children scared to go on playdates for fear 'someone will die as a result', headteacher claims

Children who have watched "doomsday adverts" about Covid-19 are afraid of going on playdates because they think someone will die as a result, a headteacher has warned.

A headteacher has spoken out about the effects of the pandemic on children as he said there has been no "advocacy for children" in Government.

Rod Grant, headmaster of Clifton Hall School in Edinburgh, told the Telegraph's Planet Normal Podcast, which you can listen to easily at the link below, that he was most worried about children aged 3 to 7 who had lost months of vital social interactions.

He told podcast co-host and Telegraph columnist, Liam Halligan: "You’re talking perhaps almost half a child’s experience has been locked away, seeing adults wearing masks and hearing on the news or on the car radio, almost doomsday adverts about staying home and protecting lives."

11:05 AM

Schools reopening will take place on March 8, vaccine minister confirms

Schools will start to reopen on March 8 as the country begins to emerge from lockdown, the vaccines minister has confirmed.

Nadhim Zahawi was more emphatic than any of his colleagues have been to date, as he pushed back against suggestions that the Government was moving the goalposts on when restrictions would be lifted.

"On February 22, when Parliament returns, we will publish our road map. If you add another three weeks to that, when the vaccine protection really does begin to kick, you're at the first week of March. And that's when we will first of all reopen schools, and then begin a gradual reopening of the economy."

10:56 AM

China bat caves need exploring in search for Covid origins, WHO team member says

A member of the World Health Organization-led team searching for clues to the origins of Covid-19 in the central Chinese city of Wuhan said work was needed to try to trace genetic elements of the virus in bat caves.

Peter Daszak, a zoologist and animal disease expert, said the team in Wuhan had been receiving new information about how the virus, first identified in the city in late 2019, led to a pandemic.

He did not elaborate but said there was no evidence to suggest it emerged from a lab.

It is unclear whether China is currently sampling its many bat caves, but viruses similar to SARS-CoV-2 had previously been found in the southwest province of Yunnan.

"I'm seeing a picture coming through of some of the scenarios looking more plausible than before," he said.

One scenario being scrutinised more closely by the team is the possibility that the virus could have been circulating long before it was first identified in Wuhan.

"The real work we are doing here is to trace back from the first cases back to an animal reservoir, and that's a much more convoluted path, and may have happened over a number of months or even years," Daszak said.

Members of the World Health Organisation (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of Covid are seen on the screen of a thermal detector in Wuhan, Hubei province, China - ALY SONG/REUTERS
Members of the World Health Organisation (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of Covid are seen on the screen of a thermal detector in Wuhan, Hubei province, China - ALY SONG/REUTERS

10:46 AM

Basement poker party shut down for breaching Covid regulations

A poker games night at an N16 property was shut down on Tuesday night for breaching Covid regulations.

Officers were called to an address on Foulden Road following concerns from local residents.

In the basement of a flat, a group of men had set up a number of different gambling tables, to play poker and use other gambling machines.

Those there claimed this gambling night was a wake, claims which were not substantiated in any way.

As a result, 25 people are now facing a possible £800 fine for breaking government Covid rules.

PC Aimee Murton, from the local Covid enforcement team, said: “This was a foolish and ignorant event to hold.

"Those there risked spreading the virus, which has already claimed countless lives across our city.

“Because of their selfish actions, they are each now facing an £800 fine.

"I would urge each of those who attended this gambling night seriously consider their actions, otherwise they could face an even higher fine for further breaches.”

10:40 AM

One in 10 hospital trusts had no spare critical care beds last week

NHS England figures show that around one in 10 major hospital trusts in England had no spare adult critical care beds from January 25 to 31.

A total of 15 out of 140 acute trusts reported 100% occupancy of all "open" beds each day last week.

These included University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, one of the largest trusts in England, along with Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust and Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust.

The figure is down slightly on 18 out of 140 acute trusts that reported 100% occupancy of critical care beds each day from January 18 to 24.

10:37 AM

No date set for over-50s vaccination deadline

The vaccines minister has declined to put a date on when all over-50s can expect to receive a Covid-19 jab but figures suggest late March may be an option if supplies continue.

Previously, NHS England chief executive Sir Simon Stevens has said the aim is for all over-50s and those at risk to be vaccinated by the end of April.

But pressed on BBC Breakfast about when all over-50s and higher priority groups would be vaccinated, Mr Zahawi declined to set a firm date.

He said: "We will set out our target (for vaccinating groups 5-9) after we have hit our February 15 target.

"But you can do the maths. We did 600,000 in a single day - the deployment infrastructure that we've built can do as much vaccines as we get supply, so the limiting factor will be vaccine supply.

"You can see that in the next 10 or so days, we've got to do another almost touching five million and so if we keep that rate up, we will very quickly go down the list of the top nine."

10:23 AM

Hoteliers 'need some assurance' over government's plans for hotel quarantine

A major hotel chain boss has criticised the Government's delay in releasing details of its new quarantine policy for international arrivals.

Best Western chief executive Rob Paterson said his firm has been "kept in the dark" and if he announced a major programme with no details, "I'm not sure I'd have a job".

UK nationals and residents returning from "red list" countries will be kept in quarantine hotels for 10 days to slow the spread of new coronavirus strains.

Home Secretary Priti Patel told the Commons on January 27 the Government would "set out further details" this week.

Speaking to ITV's Good Morning Britain, vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi said Health Secretary Matt Hancock will set out the "operational elements of this policy" next week.

Mr Paterson told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that hoteliers "need some assurance" over demand levels, pricing and security measures.

10:08 AM

North Korea to receive nearly two million doses of Oxford vaccine

North Korea is expected to receive nearly two million doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford Covid-19 vaccine by the first half of this year, said agencies leading the COVAX vaccine-sharing programme.

The COVAX Facility will distribute 1.992 million doses of the vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India, according to the COVAX interim distribution report on Wednesday.

COVAX, which secures vaccines for poor countries, is co-led by the GAVI alliance, the World Health Organization, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the U.N. Children's Fund.

North Korea has not reported a single case of Covid-19 till date, according to the WHO website.

09:58 AM

Thailand to import Oxford vaccine from Asia not EU

Thailand will import the first doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine from Asia after Europe enforced export controls, the country's health minister said on Thursday.

The European Union (EU) last week set restrictions on the export of vaccines from the bloc through to March to ensure it will secure the supplies it had bought in advance, including shots from AstraZeneca Plc.

Thailand will still import the first 50,000 of 150,000 "early doses" of the AstraZeneca vaccine later this month, just not from Europe as previously planned, said Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul.

"The producer will source the vaccine from another supply chain outside of the EU," minister of public health Anutin Charnvirakul told reporters.

"It will be from somewhere in Asia," he said without elaborating because he said otherwise there was a risk of another intervention to safeguard supplies.

09:57 AM

Lowest level of patients this winter waiting more than an hour from ambulance to A&E

The number of patients waiting longer than an hour to be handed over from ambulance teams to A&E staff at hospitals in England has fallen to its lowest level this winter.

A total of 2,339 delays of more than 60 minutes were recorded across all acute trusts in the seven days to January 31, according to figures published by NHS England.

This compares with 3,283 in the previous week, and 5,513 in the seven days to January 10 - the highest weekly figure so far this winter.

A handover delay does not always mean a patient has waited in the ambulance. They may have been moved into an A&E department, but staff were not available to complete the handover.

09:46 AM

Wimbledon organisers looking at reduced capacity championships

Stuart Fraser, tennis correspondent for The Times, tweeted the news this morning.

09:41 AM

'I don't think any shine has been taken off' Oxford jab

Asked whether the decision made by certain European countries - such as Germany, France and Italy - to not use the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab for older people is taking the shine off the vaccine, Professor Matthew Snape, associate professor in paediatrics and vaccinology at the University of Oxford, said the decision is up to those countries and AstraZeneca.

He said: "We are interested in preventing (Covid-19) disease as best we can with the vaccines, and we are thrilled they are being deployed here in the UK and in many other countries.

"The results continue to come out from the studies that have been done here in Oxford, showing the effectiveness of this vaccine - even with a single dose.

"So, I don't think any shine has been taken off really at all."

09:37 AM

Welsh health minister: there cannot be a 'huge splurge of reopening'

Vaughan Gething has said there cannot be a "huge splurge of reopening" in the country despite Covid-19 rates falling since before Christmas.

He told Times Radio that the "first priority" for the Welsh Government is to start a return to face-to-face teaching in some schools.

"We're hopeful that we'll be able to start that after half-term, so from the week beginning February 22, and we think we're going to be able to focus that on our youngest children in primary schools initially," he said.

"We had eye-watering levels before Christmas at nearly 700 cases per 100,000. So really good progress but still high and our NHS is still very pressured.

"Critical care today is operating at 130% of its normal capacity. So we can't have a huge splurge of reopening because we really do think that would lead to a significant bounce-back in cases and potentially overwhelm our service."

09:29 AM

Three South African variant cases discovered in Wales with no travel link

Officials in Wales will meet later to discuss the South African variant after three cases with no clear link to travel were identified in the country.

Health minister Vaughan Gething told Times Radio that health experts will be examining who the cases had been in contact with and where they had been "to try to pinpoint" how they became infected with the variant.

"The three are quite different instances as well, so each of them will tell us something different," Mr Gething said.

"We're looking at targeted testing at this point to help us as we identify more people they've been in contact with.

"We don't think there's a sensible basis to have the wider community testing that you're seeing in England."

09:27 AM

Coronavirus around the world, in pictures

People wait to receive doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine at the basket ball court at the River Plate stadium, in Buenos Aires, Argentina - MATIAS BAGLIETTO/REUTERS
Nurse at Kirklareli Provincial Health Directorate Dilber Akturk photographed during an exclusive interview on their working process in Kirklareli, Turkey - Anadolu Agency/ Getty Contributor
Women wearing protective face masks wash a religious statue ahead of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration at a temple in Jakarta, Indonesia - AJENG DINAR ULFIANA/REUTERS

09:16 AM

Over 60 percent of first four priority groups in Wales vaccinated

More than 60 percent of the first four priority groups in Wales have received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination, health minister Vaughan Gething said.

He told Times Radio that more than 400 sites across Wales are now delivering vaccines, with the number of mass vaccination centres in the country expected to increase to 40.

"That's happened because we work so closely between the health service and local government, and with the assistance of military planners too, so it's been a real team Wales effort," Mr Gething said.

He added that vaccinations at all older adult care homes in Wales, apart from a "handful" that had experienced an active Covid-19 outbreak, have been completed.

"We've now done over 60% of priority groups one to four, so really rapid progress now," he said.

09:08 AM

Hotel quarantine work 'should have been done', says Labour MP

Labour MP Yvette Cooper said of the Government on the quarantine hotels issue: "They do have to get the practicalities right, which is why it's troubling they don't seem to be talking to some of the major hotel chains already."

The chairwoman of the Home Affairs Select Committee told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We've always been warned about both second waves and new variants; the work should have been done a long time ago.

"The problem is, of course, as long as we're waiting, not just for this system but for stronger measures, we know that the system isn't working at the moment.

"We can see that because the South Africa variant is spreading across the country, that's the evidence that too many cases are getting into the country, then spreading in the country."

09:04 AM

Norway becomes latest European country to not offer Oxford jab to over 65s

Norway will not offer the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19 to individuals over the age of 65, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) said on Thursday, making it the latest European country to restrict its use.

So far, some 135,000 individuals in Norway have received their first dose against the disease and some 35,000 have received their second shot, from vaccines made by Moderna and from a partnership between Pfizer and BioNTech, the agency said.

The FHI said there had been few participants above the age of 65 in the trial conducted by AstraZeneca, meaning there was a lack of documentation as to the effect of the vaccine on older age groups.

The Nordic country has 5.4 million inhabitants.

09:01 AM

'No great hurry' to reopen schools

Professor Matthew Snape, who is chief investigator in the Com-Cov study into the use of a mixture of Covid-19 vaccines, said that with new coronavirus variants emerging at the end of last year, he believes the decision not to reopen schools in January was right.

He told Sky News: "I have always said that reopening schools has to be a major priority when it comes to reopening the economy."

Prof Snape said that, as more vulnerable people get vaccinated, the balance of risk versus benefit will start to shift, but added there is "no great hurry" to reopen schools.

"We need to get the number of cases down and the number of hospitalisations down," he said.

"And then, as things start to open up, I do hope schools will be number one on the list of things that we do reopen."

08:58 AM

Vaccines minister backs campaign for statue of Captain Sir Tom Moore

Nadhim Zahawi said he backs the campaign to have a "great big" statue built in honour of Captain Sir Tom Moore.

"What Captain Tom represents, I think, is the best of the United Kingdom," he told ITV's Good Morning Britain.

"I see it every day in the vaccination deployment programme - the whole nation, the army of volunteers, he was one of those and he became a beacon of light in these grim, dark days of this pandemic.

"So I am absolutely in favour of making sure we recognise that, and a great big statue would be a wonderful way, not just for this generation to remember Captain Tom but for future generations."

08:56 AM

People aged 50 and over to take part in mixing jabs study

Dr Matthew Snape, associate professor in paediatrics and vaccinology at the University of Oxford, has said he is looking for people aged 50 and over to take part in a Government-backed study to determine whether different coronavirus vaccines can safely be used for the first and second doses.

Speaking on Sky News, he said those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease will be able to take part in the trial, dubbed Com-Cov, because "we are trying to get a population that is representative of the UK".

He said the study will look at whether mixing doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines is as good as using two doses of the same Covid-19 jab.

"We are looking to see if the immune response that generates is as good as the currently approved schedules," he said.

08:52 AM

Health Secretary will lay out plans for hotel quarantine next week

Health Secretary Matt Hancock will lay out the "operational plan" for hotel quarantines next week, Nadhim Zahawi has confirmed.

The vaccines minister told ITV's Good Morning Britain: "Next week the Secretary of State for Health will be setting out the operational elements of this policy.

"We will absolutely be setting out how the quarantine hotels will work next week."

Asked whether he had been frustrated by the delay in implementing the tighter border restrictions, Mr Zahawi replied: "No, because it is one part of a greater piece.

"(There is) the passenger locator form - you will be refused by the airlines to get on a flight if you haven't filled in a passenger locator form - so we know exactly where you are, so we can check where you are and that you are quarantined, and you get fined - and I make no apology for the 40,000 fines that we've issued already.

"But, as I say, it is one part, and next week you will have the operational plan for how we are implementing the hotel quarantine."

08:40 AM

Minister refuses to give target date for vaccines

The vaccines minister declined to give a date for when the first nine groups in the priority list will have received their vaccine, but said people could "do the maths".

Speaking to BBC Breakfast, Nadhim Zahawi said: "We will set out our target (for vaccinating groups 5-9) after we have hit our February 15 target.

"But you can do the maths. We did 600,000 in a single day - the deployment infrastructure that we've built can do as much vaccines as we get supply, so the limiting factor will be vaccine supply.

"You can see that in the next 10 or so days, we've got to do another almost touching five million and so if we keep that rate up we will very quickly go down the list of the top nine."

08:36 AM

Covid in the UK, in pictures

Police officers outside the Bridewell police station in Bristol city centre joining in with a nationwide clap in honour of Captain Sir Tom Moore - Ben Birchall/PA
Members of the fire brigade and other emergency services go door-to-door to collect Covid-19 tests from residents homes in Maidstone - Dan Kitwood/Getty
NHS Nursing staff at a Vaccine Hub join together to clap in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore in Newbridge, Wales - Huw Fairclough/Getty

08:30 AM

'We're still in a very serious situation', says Sage scientist

While Professor Andrew Hayward hailed reaching the 10million vaccination milestone, he said we are not out of the woods quite yet.

"We're still in a very serious situation," he told the BBC's Radio 4 Today programme.

"We know when we begin to release, then the rates will begin to bounce back very quickly and we know that it's fantastic that we've vaccinated 10million people.

"But there are still a lot of vulnerable people yet to be vaccinated so it's too early to release just yet."

08:27 AM

Hotel chain boss criticises lack of Government communication

A hotel chain boss has criticised a lack of communication from the Government over quarantining international arrivals in hotels.

Rob Paterson, chief executive of Best Western hotels, told the Today programme: "We got the understanding that quarantine hotels was something going to be considered in the UK quite some time ago and we're yet to understand exactly what the protocols are required of the hotels.

"We've set out a set of protocols, suggested protocols, we've shared that information, and we've offered our support and we're yet to hear anything.

"I think in any normal company if you went out and announced a programme nationally and you hadn't thought about how you were going to plan that and you hadn't spoken to the people involved, I'm not sure I'd have a job if I did that in my company. To this day we simply haven't heard anything despite multiple offers."

08:25 AM

Care home residents and health worker transmission could hold key to reopening economy, minister says

Nadhim Zahawi said infection transmission studies among vaccinated care home residents and frontline health care workers would provide more information on a "roadmap" for reopening the economy.

The vaccine minister told BBC Breakfast: "The phase one, the top nine (groups), is 99% of mortality so I think we should be by then having really good robust data.

"We've got two sets of data we're waiting for.

"One is in care homes where Public Health England are testing residents in care homes because they are in category one, and one with health frontline workers who are category two of that top nine.

"Those pieces of evidence, coupled with other pieces of evidence from other countries as well, will hopefully give us a very clear road map to opening the economy where we see a huge reduction, hopefully, in deaths and hospitalisation."

Here is the minister on the Oxford jab study.

08:18 AM

'We would more or less be back to normal in the summer'

There is light at the end of the tunnel, according to Professor Andrew Hayward.

He said: "Once the most vulnerable people - particularly those over 50 and those with chronic illness have been vaccinated then yes I think we can see a return to normality."

The Government adviser said that by this stage, Covid-19 would emulate the flu and that "we can live with it".

He added: "We would be more or less back to normal in the summer, I'd imagine".

08:14 AM

Sage scientist confronted with Telegraph front page

A Sage scientist was confronted with the Daily Telegraph's front page on the BBC's Radio 4 Today programme.

It said that the Chancellor is concerned scientists are moving the goalposts - first protecting the NHS was the most important, then it was the death rate, then the R rate and the list went on.

Asked which was the most important measure to be able to lift lockdown, Professor Andrew Hayward said: "It's the number of community cases that drives the number of deaths - that's fairly straightforward.

"But if you look at the moment you might have one in 40 or one in 50 of us infected and that would be the same in school aged children.

"So that's one in every class or two and that is quite quickly going to spread and we also know that when infections do spread in schools that it can contribute to broader community spread and that will spread to an older age group over time as we're trying to vaccinate down the age groups."

08:11 AM

Single Pfizer jab still highly protective after three weeks

A new study has found that a single dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine provided a "very high" level of protection from Covid-19 after just 21 days, without the need for a second "top-up" vaccination.

Experts at the University of East Anglia analysed data from Israel, where the vaccine has already been rolled out, and found that the Pfizer jab became 90 per cent effective after three weeks, supporting UK plans to delay the timing of a second injection.

While it is not yet known how long immunity lasts beyond 21 days without a second dose, researchers believe it is "unlikely" to majorly decline during the following nine weeks.

But scientists warned people's risk of infection doubled in the first eight days after the Pfizer vaccine jab, citing people becoming less cautious as a possible cause.

07:51 AM

Covid around the world, in pictures

National Guard members hold up colored flags as they work the line of people at Triton College in River Grove, Illinois - Mark Welsh/Daily Herald
Cocker Spaniel Joe sniffs a training machine for Corona detection dogs at the University of Veterinary Medicine (TiHo) - Ole Spata/DPA Picture Alliance
A falcon handler holds a falcon during Fazza Championship for Falconry - Telwah in Dubai - Francois Nel/Getty

07:42 AM

Study into mixing jabs to report after summer

Vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi said a Government-backed study to determine whether different coronavirus vaccines can safely be used for the first and second doses would not impact on the current rollout.

He told Sky News: "It will report probably after the summer and of course it will have no impact on the deployment.

"If you have currently had the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, you will get your Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine as your second dose, your booster dose. And of course if you have the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, you'll get the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.

"This is more longer-term, keeping us ahead of - at least in a leadership position, I should say - in the world, in helping the whole world because no one is safe until we are all safe.

"If we understand more about how we can use vaccines together then we should be in a much stronger position in terms of vaccinating the United Kingdom, but also the rest of the world."

07:33 AM

Oxford jab not signed off for use in Switzerland

Dr Claus Bolte, head of authorisation at medicines regulator Swiss Medic, said it had requested more information from AstraZeneca after deciding not to sign-off on the use of the Oxford vaccine in Switzerland.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme his team were "not satisfied with the data we have received".

Dr Bolte said the precise details of their concerns were confidential but added: "What I can say is that yes, it pertains to different age groups, over-65s and over-55s as well.

"It pertains to comorbidities, pre-existing conditions like asthma, hypertension, diabetes.

"It also pertains to the way some laboratories assessments were made."

He added that the results of large-scale clinical trials in the US and South America using the Oxford vaccine would help to provide more sufficient data.

07:31 AM

There are 4,000 variants of Covid worldwide, minister says

The Government vaccines tsar Nadhim Zahawi said there was a "library" of coronavirus mutations being stored to ensure the UK was ready to respond with updated vaccines.

Speaking to Sky News, he said: "All manufacturers - Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca and others - are looking at how they can improve their vaccine to make sure we are ready for any variant.

"There are about 4,000 variants around the world of Covid now.

"We have the largest genome sequencing industry - we have about 50% of the world's genome sequencing industry - and we are keeping a library of all the variants so that we are ready to be able to respond, whether in the autumn or beyond, to any challenge the virus may present, and produce the next vaccine so we can always protect the United Kingdom and of course the rest of the world as well."

07:29 AM

Schools may reopen in first week of March

The vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi told Sky News: "If we work to the date that we're talking about which is the mid-February target of vaccinating the most vulnerable top four cohorts, in that phase one.

"Phase one goes down to nine cohorts, so it will continue after mid-February to keep going as fast as we can to vaccinate all nine.

"Mid-February - if you add another three weeks to that which is when the vaccine protection really does begin to kick in - you're in the first week of March.

"So that's when we will first begin to open schools and begin a gradual reopening of the economy if we continue to see good data."

07:17 AM

Today's front page

Here is your Daily Telegraph on Thursday, Feb 4.


07:03 AM

Gulf states take tougher approach to fight virus

Gulf Arab states on Thursday launched new restrictions over fears of a coronavirus resurgence across their countries.

With populations including largely young and healthy foreign labourers, many Gulf countries have avoided the higher death tolls seen elsewhere around the world.

However, reported case numbers appear to be rising since the New Year, sparking concern even as several regional countries have some of the highest per capita vaccination rates in the world.

In Saudi Arabia, where authorities already have banned travel to the kingdom from 20 countries, including the US, officials also ordered that all weddings and parties be suspended.

It closed all shopping malls, gyms and other locations for 10 days, as well as indoor dining. Authorities warned the new measures could be extended.

The kingdom also ordered cemeteries to conduct graveside funerals with a distance of 100 meters (328 feet) between them.

06:58 AM

10 million more vaccines for Australia

Australia will buy 10 million additional doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Thursday.

"These additional vaccines have been secured consistent with our requirements," he said.

Australia last week approved the Pfizer vaccine for people aged over 16 years.

The country expects to begin inoculation at 80,000 doses per week by the end of February.

06:36 AM

Chancellor concerned about 'moving goalposts' on lockdown

Rishi Sunak fears scientific advisers are "moving the goalposts" on the requirements for ending lockdown amid growing frustration within the Government.

The Chancellor is concerned that scientists have replaced the original target of protecting the NHS and saving lives with a focus on getting case numbers down, potentially delaying the end of the restrictions.

He has told allies that Britain is approaching a "fat lady sings moment" when lockdown must be lifted, never to return.

Read the full story here.

05:16 AM

Hundreds of Australian Open tennis players and staff in isolation

The Grand Hyatt hotel seen from Melbourne Park - Hamish Blair/AP

More than 500 tennis players and officials were ordered into isolation in the Australian city of Melbourne on Thursday as authorities reintroduced coronavirus restrictions after a worker at a quarantine hotel tested positive.

The city reimposed an order for masks indoors and a limit on gatherings of 15 people after the state's run of 28 days with no new local cases came to an end.

Melbourne is preparing to host the Australian Open tennis tournament from Monday but play at six warm-up events was heavily disrupted by the new infection with organiser Tennis Australia calling off all matches for Thursday.

The case of the infected Grand Hyatt worker was announced late on Wednesday and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said an initial round of tests had found no new cases.

The Australian Open was likely to go ahead, but "there were no guarantees", he said.

READ MORE: Doubt surrounds Australian Open as staff member at players' hotel tests positive

04:46 AM

Overseas travel had major impact on first wave deaths

International travel had the biggest impact on death rates for countries that were worst hit during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, a study suggests.

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen examined a range of factors including border arrivals, population density, the percentage of people living in urban areas, age, average body mass index and smoking prevalence.

They found an increase of a million international arrivals was associated with a 3.4pc rise in the mean daily increase in Covid-19 deaths during the first wave of the pandemic across the 37 worst-hit countries.

04:26 AM

Fears of 'eruption' of violence after lockdown

Official figures show that knife crime surged by 25 per cent after the first lockdown, prompting warnings there could be an “eruption” of violence once the current Covid- 19 restrictions are lifted.

Police warned there could be a similar increase when the country comes out of lockdown.

“We expect to see crime across the board rise - knife crime, retail crime and public order will all do so as they did last time,” said a senior policing source.

READ MORE: Knife crime surge prompts fears of 'eruption' of violence after lockdown is lifted

03:13 AM

Pandemic fear puts people off seeking help for cancer

People are being urged to seek help for potential symptoms of cancer after it emerged that fewer are coming forward during the pandemic.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said that the latest NHS data for England shows fewer people are being referred for help for lung cancer and urological cancers because they are not asking for help.

People are urged to speak to their GP if they are worried about symptoms because cancer diagnosed at an earlier stage is more likely to be successfully treated.

The NHS has robust measures in place to protect cancer patients and those being screened for cancer, from Covid-19, DHSC said.

READ MORE: Health chiefs issue warning over missed lung and prostate cancers, as tests referrals remain low

03:09 AM

Football clubs among mass vaccination centres

Crystal Palace Football Club will open its gates to the public once more as it becomes one of the latest NHS vaccination sites, officials have announced.

The club donated Selhurst Park, its home ground in south-east London, to the NHS to be used as a vaccination centre.

The Glaziers Lounge in the Main Stand has been adapted to accommodate NHS staff, volunteers and local residents who have been invited to get their vaccination.

Colchester FC's Jobserve Community Stadium also will become a vaccination centre.

The clubs are among new mass vaccination centres that came online on Thursday.

Basingstoke Fire Station has also become a vaccination centre - with firefighters helping out with the programme when they are not responding to emergency calls.

There are now 90 large vaccination centres, 192 sites run by High Street pharmacies, more than 1,000 GP-led vaccination services and 250 hospital "hubs" delivering jabs.

02:50 AM

Teachers skipping Covid vaccine queue

Teachers are abusing the vaccine booking system and skipping the queue ahead of the elderly, a council warned as it introduced tighter rules.

Headteachers in Rochdale were contacted after the NHS alerted council chiefs in Greater Manchester that teachers had got hold of the booking link for vaccines and were turning up to be inoculated.

Read the full story here.

02:48 AM

Headteachers call for vaccinations ahead of schools reopening

Dozens of school leaders have urged the Government to vaccinate all teachers as they supported plans for children to return to the classroom from March.

Some 135 headteachers, mostly from independent schools, signed a letter calling for staff from all educational settings to be vaccinated.

They said they were heartened by the progress of the vaccination programme and encouraged that the Government's target of 15 million first doses by February 15 is "likely to be reached".

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has insisted that it is "prudent" to stick to the planned March 8 opening date for schools in England, stating that the proposed date was three weeks after the most vulnerable should have been vaccinated.

02:41 AM

'Mix-and-match' jabs to be tested on young

A Government-backed study is being launched to determine whether different coronavirus vaccines can safely be used for the first and second doses.

The programme, which has received £7 million in funding from the Government's Vaccine Taskforce, aims to establish whether a mixed-dose vaccine regimen is better than, or a good alternative to, using two doses of the same Covid-19 jab.

England's deputy chief medical officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, who is the senior responsible officer for the new study, said being able to mix vaccines would mean greater flexibility in future.

The study, dubbed Com-Cov, will initially look at mixing doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines, as well as different intervals between doses.

But researchers at the National Immunisation Schedule Evaluation Consortium, which is carrying out the study, said more vaccines would be added to the list as they became approved for use.

READ MORE: Younger people could be given doses of two different Covid vaccines

02:29 AM

Vaccine highly protective after three weeks

A new study has found that a single dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine provided a "very high" level of protection from Covid-19 after just 21 days, without the need for a second "top-up" vaccination.

Experts at the University of East Anglia analysed data from Israel, where the vaccine has already been rolled out, and found that the Pfizer jab became 90 per cent effective after three weeks, supporting UK plans to delay the timing of a second injection.

While it is not yet known how long immunity lasts beyond 21 days without a second dose, researchers believe it is "unlikely" to majorly decline during the following nine weeks.

But scientists warned people's risk of infection doubled in the first eight days after the Pfizer vaccine jab, citing people becoming less cautious as a possible cause.

READ MORE: Pfizer vaccine highly protective after three weeks without second jab, study shows

01:54 AM

Today's top stories

  • Rishi Sunak fears scientific advisers are "moving the goalposts" on the requirements for ending lockdown amid growing frustration within the Government.
  • Boris Johnson said he would "absolutely" support a campaign to erect a statue in honour of Sir Captain Tom Moore, as the nation came together to mark his memory with applause on Wednesday night.
  • Captain Sir Tom Moore tested positive for Covid on the day he was discharged from the hospital at which he was being treated for pneumonia, his family have disclosed.
  • Ministers are considering extending hotel quarantine to more countries as the Brazilian and South African variants emerged in 27 more nations including Spain.
  • A tweaked Oxford vaccine that can cope with the new coronavirus variants circulating in Britain will be ready by the autumn, scientists have said.
  • Teachers are abusing the vaccine booking system and skipping the queue ahead of the elderly, a council warned as it introduced tighter rules.