Coronavirus: Family of student who caught illness on spring break urge social distancing

John Braswell felt ill after returning from a ski trip in Colorado: Jean Christophe Bott Keystone
John Braswell felt ill after returning from a ski trip in Colorado: Jean Christophe Bott Keystone

The family of a 25-year-old who contracted coronavirus while on spring break have urged young people to listen to calls for social distancing.

Auburn student John 'JT' Braswell tested positive for Covid-19 four days after returning to Alabama, following a ski trip to Colorado.

Fox 6 reported that Mr Braswell started feeling ill and showing symptoms of coronavirus just a day after he returned home.

He went to lunch at a local restaurant before seeing family at home in the evening.

Mr Braswell's family have self-isolated since being informed that he was feeling unwell.

"We could tell by his reaction it was positive, and I inadvertently put my hands to cover my face. I went inside and washed my hands and sprayed Lysol on a towel and patted my face," Mr Braswell's mother, Laura, told WDHN.

The family are now urging other young people to practice social distancing and listen to CDC calls to end Spring Break parties.

Mr Braswell's father said:"You might feel well, but still be sick and spread the virus".

Despite urgent measures to stop the spread of coronavirus, spring break is very much underway, with some determined to have their fun despite the pandemic.

"If I get corona, I get corona. At the end of the day I'm not gonna let it stop me from partying," one man told CBS News in Miami.

According to the Covid Tracking Project at their last update, 82,571 people had been tested so far in the US.

Their data shows that there have been 79 tests in Alabama so far, with 28 positive and 51 negative.

More than 10,000 cases of the disease have been recorded so far in the US.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended a two-week ban on gatherings of more than 50 people as part of the battle to contain the spread of the contagion.

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