Corbin High School student receives National Medal of Heroism

May 16—CORBIN — Corbin High School sophomore Jacen Post was honored on Tuesday morning with the National Medal of Heroism for his help in saving a young boy's life last summer.

Post, a member of the school's JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) program, was at Camp Davy Crockett in Whitesburg, Tennessee — training with his fellow cadets.

When staff at the camp asked if anyone would like to volunteer to become a lifeguard, Colonel Mike Farley, CHS Senior Army Instructor, said that "Post jumped at the opportunity."

Post was only 15 at the time, but the staff were so impressed by his volunteerism that they decided to take him on.

Post had no formal lifeguard training, so the staff there happily trained him.

Col. Farley noted, "I think that speaks volumes about him for jumping into something like that as a 15 year old."

On July 10, while on break, Post heard the cries of a young man in distress, and according to witnesses, dove into the water "without hesitation" to go help.

Once Post got to the boy, he realized that he was suffering from a seizure brought on by heat stroke.

Post took several measures to ensure the boy's health, including directing other persons to call for help and utilizing his training to treat overheating.

"Jacen never flinched. He dove, literally, and did what needed to be done," said Farley.

Post said, "There wasn't much going through my mind; I thought back to the training I received that summer and that point, it was just muscle memory...It was my job."

Ultimately, the young boy recovered from his ailment. According to Col. Farley, the doctor who treated the boy credited Post with saving his life. The doctor told Farley that "Jacen's actions saved this kids life...Had he not gotten him in the recovery position, this kid might not have made it."

Farley also emphasized the importance of the National Medal of Heroism.

He said, "There are only three or so of these awards given each year...It had to go to the highest levels in order to be approved."

Post was honored in front of an assembly of all of his fellow Corbin High School students. Post will now prepare to enter his junior year at Corbin High School.