Convoy of Russian equipment seen in Mariupol moving towards Zaporizhzhia adviser to the mayor


Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, said that 100 units of Russian military equipment, which were moving towards Zaporizhzhia Oblast, were recorded in the city on 15 July.

Source: Andriushchenko on Telegram

Quote: "We continue to record the movement of military equipment past Mariupol.

Yesterday (15 July - ed.) a large convoy of military equipment - up to 100 units - drove through the city in the direction of Zaporizhzhia Oblast. BMD-4s, which some people took to be tanks, were seen on tractors in the convoy. There were also numerous armoured personnel carriers."

Details: Andriushchenko also said that a large number of Russian soldiers, who were brought in by Kamaz trucks, have taken up residence in villages in the Nikopol and Manhush districts adjacent to Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

The invaders are mainly housed in school premises.

According to Andriushchenko, local residents say that most of these invaders are still very young men. Some have mentioned in conversation that they are conscripts.