A conversation with those who have lost children

Every culture and faith tradition encourages believers to bear the burdens of others. In response to this call to compassion, a gathering is being held for all parents and grandparents who have lost children.

This conversation will be held 1:30-3 p.m. Monday, June 5, at First United Methodist Church in Oak Ridge in Room 203. The Rev. Bob Cantrell and the Rev. Caryl Griffin Russell will facilitate the discussion. Both leaders are retired United Methodist pastors.

Attendees will be invited to reflect on the experience of losing their loved one, and how they can support one another and others who are suffering the same devastating loss.

Cantrell is a former pastor at First United Methodist Church whose background includes hospital chaplaincy training. Russell has also served as a pastor in local churches and as an instructor for health and safety in national and international settings. Several years ago, she suffered the loss of her 22-year-old daughter.

There is no cost for attendance. Advanced registration is encouraged. To register or for more information, please contact the Rev. Jenny Caughman at jcaughman@fumcor.org. First United Methodist Church is at 1350 Oak Ridge Turnpike.

Rev. Bob Cantrell
Rev. Bob Cantrell
Rev. Caryl Griffin Russell
Rev. Caryl Griffin Russell

This article originally appeared on Oakridger: A conversation with those who have lost children