New Convention Center leader discusses expansion delays, why Savannah after one month on the job

Kelvin D. Moore will be the Savannah Convention Center's new general manager.
Kelvin D. Moore will be the Savannah Convention Center's new general manager.

In Kelvin Moore's first 30 days as new general manager of the Savannah Convention Center, he travelled to Atlanta for the Savannah-Chatham Day Oyster Roast and managed the announcement of indefinite delays to the SCC's $276 million expansion. Those delays led to five event cancellations and another event moving out of state.

Moore stepped into the role in Savannah after leading the largest convention center in North America at Chicago's McCormick Place. Moore said his experience ranges from convention center's large to small. Now, he will be at the helm of the SCC as it seeks to reach a new level.

As the leader of one of the institution's that helps fuel Savannah's visitor economy, Moore recently sat down with the Savannah Morning News to discuss his first 30 days, his reaction to the expansion's delayed completion, and what his long-term goals are. The interview was edited here for brevity and clarity.

The Savannah International Trade & Convention Center, across the river from City Hall, has posted record numbers for the first few months of FY 2018, underscoring the need for expansion of its convention facilities. (Savannah Morning News file photo)
The Savannah International Trade & Convention Center, across the river from City Hall, has posted record numbers for the first few months of FY 2018, underscoring the need for expansion of its convention facilities. (Savannah Morning News file photo)

Walk through what the past 30 days have been like for you, from when you got in on day one to now, what has it been like?

Moore: "It has been non-stop. I started Jan. 26, and I have a 90-day plan. My 30-day plan of the 90-day plan is always about observing and listening, engaging and meeting. Kind of like a doctor, first do no harm. The first 30 days have really been about me learning about what it means to be a Savannahian, learning what the Savannah Convention Center has been, wants to be, needs to be."

Why did you feel like this was the right fit?

Moore: "It's family. It's about being in a place where people see people, as opposed to in some places where people see other people's opportunities, or roadblocks. I wanted to be in a situation where I thought my skillset could be helpful to the cause of that community. And honestly, I wanted to be in a place that felt like home. I'm a native Texan, my family is from Louisiana. I spent some time in Jackson, Mississippi, running the facility there. But I've been in Chicago and Seattle, all over the country. The South always feels like home to me."

What parts of your skillset do you feel like were best for this moment in the convention center's history?

Moore: "I think part of it is having worked in facilities of all sizes, part of it is having worked in markets of all sizes. Then part of it are just things I do well are more front of house, with engagement, motivating and leading. One of the things is being that change agent. The last 16 years with ASM Global, I kind of specialized in going to accounts that needed some work. Assessing what was there and developing the plan to elevate it, getting it done then going to a different city then doing it again. I think that skillset plays well here, not because Savannah is in trouble or that it needs anything, but it wants to make an evolution."

With the news that broke on the delays to construction of the expansion, how did you go about managing that, particularly being a month on the job?

Moore: "You know I joked with some people I spent a total seven years in Chicago, five years in Philadelphia, and it's just a regular Tuesday. But it's perspective. It was disappointing. I was disappointed, the staff was disappointed, our sales partners at Visit Savannah are disappointed. But I try to draw perspective for our staff and for the team. I view the delay, I don't want to say it's a positive, but it's the situation we have. So how do we make the most of it? How do we make this glass half full?

"I see this as now we have a bit more time to sort of test our systems, our offerings, our services against where we are now and where we need to be ... So i've approached it from that perspective. Although we're disappointed, we're more focused on when we do get (the expansion), let's be sure we're ready to knock it out of the park."

You talked about the 30-60-90-plan, what is the long-term goal?

Moore: "For me, it's about three years after we get (the expansion). I see no reason why the Savannah Convention Center cannot be recognized as the best convention center in the world. Period."

Evan Lasseter is the city and county government reporter for the Savannah Morning News. You can reach him at

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: New Convention Center leader discusses expansion delays, why Savannah