Connecticut to release Newtown school shooting report on Monday

(Reuters) - Connecticut's long-awaited report on the shooting last December at a Newtown elementary school that killed 20 children and six adults is due to be released on Monday, the prosecutor's office said on Friday. The report will be published on the website of Connecticut's Division of Criminal Justice, Mark Dupuis, a spokesman for the state Attorney Stephen Sedensky III, declined to say whether the report has been shared with the families of those who died in the shooting, but he said his office is aware of families' concerns and has taken steps to address those concerns. On the morning of December 14, Adam Lanza, 20, shot and killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, in her bed in their Newtown home, and then went to Sandy Hook Elementary School - a school he once attended - and forced his way inside. He killed the 26 children and adults before turning the gun on himself. Some evidence from the state's investigation will never be made available to the public. A Connecticut law passed earlier this year in response to the shooting prohibits the release of photographs, film, video and other visual images showing a homicide victim if they can "reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy of the victim or the victim's surviving family members." (Reporting by Edith Honan; Editing by Steve Orlofsky; Editing by Barbara Goldberg)