Congressman Arrested (Again) at White House Protest

Rep. Luis Gutierrez of was arrested outside of the White House while protesting the Obama administration's deportation policies on Tuesday. Douglas Rivlin, a spokesperson for the Illinois congressman, confirmed his arrest and said that Gutierrez and several others sat down in front of the White House gate following a larger protest and refused to move. D.C. park police say 11 people were taken into custody for "violating regulations for demonstrations in front of the White House" and "disobeying an official to come in compliance." The police haven't yet identified the protesters arrested, but it's worth noting that Gutierrez has done this before. In May 2010, he was arrested for the same offense and released a few hours later after paying $100 fine. “He has $100 in his pocket,” Rivlin told The Washington Post. “But I don’t know if he will pay the fine this time.”

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UPDATE: The Huffington Post captured the arrest on video and added a few more details about the congressman's stance on immigration. "Gutierrez is a vocal critic of the deportation of young people and families, who he says should be protected from removal by an executive order by the White House," report Elise Foley and Sara Kenigsberg." But President Barack Obama has repeatedly refused to make such an order, calling for Congress to act on immigration reform instead."

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