Community Bands Together to Celebrate 13th Birthday of Teen With Autism

A young Florida teenager with autism thought he would be celebrating his 13th birthday alone, until his entire community showed up to surprise him with the best day ever.

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Hundreds of people, including members of the military, a motorcycle brigade, an army of Star Wars Stormtroopers, Chewbacca, and the Ghostbusters all turned up to celebrate the birthday of William Morales in Port St. Lucie, Fla., Sunday.

“That’s a lot of people,” the young man told CBS News.

They came in costume as the community joined to not only celebrate the 13-year-old, but also show their support and take a stand against bullying. Morales said he's been bullied at school.

“I don’t want other people to feel what I feel at school,” Morales told CBS News. “Last year was awful. It was not fun.”

His parents say he has been getting anxiety about returning to classes and it has been difficult for them to watch. They decided they needed to raise awareness for their son and other children who are picked on.

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"I can't let them win and I will not let them win," his mother, Tricia Morales said. "I don't want to make it about just my son. I want to make it about all the kids that suffer just like my son does."

An organization called CrowdFunnit, which is made up of volunteers, put the celebration for the teen together. The organization hosts similar parties across the country to help take a stand against bulling.

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