Comic-Con Freebie Watch: Slurpees, Sunglasses, and Travel Chairs

Comic-Con Freebie Watch: Slurpees, Sunglasses, and Travel Chairs

120,000 fanboys, buffs, walking encyclopedias, and know-it-alls are expected to descend on San Diego this week for Comic-Con 2011. The pop culture smorgasbord doesn't start until Thursday, but the entertainment industry's efforts to woo conventioneers are already underway. What appeals to the average attendee of an event where Francis Ford Coppola (on hand to promote his new horror film Twixt, described by the director in a press release as "one part Gothic romance, one part personal film, and one part the kind of horror film that began my career"), The Amazing Spider-Man and the cast of Community each command their own panels? One word: freebies. We're tracking the best of the giveaways from The Atlantic Wire's East Coast goodie bag nerve center over the course of the four-day convention. You can read Wednesday's pre-convention swag preview here.

RELATED: Comic-Con Freebie Watch: Merit Badges, Temporary Tattoos, Conan


We told you Tuesday that Warner Bros. was giving away replicas of Gary Oldman's Dark Knight glasses, which is still our pick for this year's most intriguing giveaway, narrowly edging out the promotional eyepatch Marvel is giving out to promote The Avengers movie. But if you're one of those people who insists on sunglasses whenever you step outside, attendee Diana Moon shared this photo of her haul from the Psych and Covert Affair booths. We're impressed by the subtlety of the branding on the glasses, as well as by the fact she took four pairs..

RELATED: Comic-Con Freebie Watch: Stickers, Swords, and Fake Vintage Toys

RELATED: Comic-Con Freebie Watch: Bags, Snacks, and Gary Oldman's Glasses

C-3PO's face on a stick

Also from Moon--the least high-tech Star Wars collectible ever. We think it's understated and charming. Plus, it was free. (Let us rephrase: we think it was free. It looks like it was free. So knowing George Lucas, it probably cost 49 dollars.)

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Cowboys & Aliens Slurpee Mugs

We realized during this most recent heat wave that we don't have any good glasses to drink Slurpees from. That won't be a problem for the people who got a mug (or is it a chalice?) from 7-11 and Universal. The faux-rusted spacecraft finish is a particularly nice touch.

Travel chairs

We don't have a picture yet of the travel chairs being given away this afternoon at the panel for Ringer, Sarah Michelle Gellar's new CW series, but we love the concept. This seems infinitely more useful than a giant bag when you're waiting in line for hours. If you get one, please send us a photo. In the meantime, San Diego's Unofficial Comic-Con Blog tweeted out the poster for the panel, which shamefully buries the free travel chair lede.


The Dexter Tote-Bag

Canvas tote-bags are the coin of the Comic-Con realm. Especially if they happen to feature the image of a noted fictional serial murderer.