Comedian Eric André crashed conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' RNC rally

CLEVELAND — Television comic Eric André stumbled onstage and cracked jokes about “pee-pee” and sex at a Monday “America First” rally for supporters of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump outside the Republican National Committee.

The event, which took place on the banks of the Cuyahoga River, was hosted by a group that included Trump adviser Roger Stone and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who hosts the show “Infowars” online and on radio.

André, an absurdist comedian who hosts the eponymous “Eric André Show” on Cartoon Network’s late-night “Adult Swim” block, began moving toward the stage shortly after Jones began speaking. As Jones accused “globalists” of trying to “implement their world government,” André argued with members of the audience as he headed toward the stage.

“Get your a** out of here!” one man shouted before swatting André’s microphone out of his hands.

“You’re a scumbag!” the man told him.

“Why am I a scumbag?” André asked. “Why does my pee-pee come out yellow?”

Several men pushed André and tried to block him from the stage. At one point, André went limp and lay on the ground.

Jones eventually noticed the commotion and invited André to join him on the stage. He mistakenly described André as being part of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show.”

“Just bring the agitator along here,” Jones said. “Stop trying to fight, guys.”

“They keep pushing me. I just wanted to sign up for the open mic,” André said as he walked onstage.

“I know the Democrats are never violent like the Black Lives Matter events and attacking the Trump people,” Jones retorted.

André responded that he’s “not a Democrat.”

“I’m a nihilist!” he said.

“I know. I know,” Jones said. “But ‘The Daily Show’ is not a Pentagon weapon program.”

André informed Jones that he’s not on “The Daily Show” and quipped that he’s “on MySpace.” The jokes continued.

“I want you to have sex with my wife,” André said.

Jones accused André of “trying to be shocking.” André was undaunted.

“Why does my pee-pee come out yellow?” he asked again.

“This is an agitator who doesn’t want to actually even have speech,” Jones said of André. “He wants to shut down our speech!”

André then began shouting references to Jones’ widely debunked conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11 attacks.

“Jet fuel cant melt steel!” André yelled. “Who put the bombs in Tower Seven?”

“I’ve exposed all that,” Jones said.

“Well, I’m with you. I’m on your side,” answered André. “You’re looking to an argument and I want to know who put the bombs in Tower Seven.”

Though Jones expressed support for André’s comments, he predicted that the comedian was only discussing the 9/11 theories in order to stay onstage to selectively “edit” a clip for his show.

“He wants to edit this later,” Jones said. “He came on to talk about his hotel room, and sex and pee-pee. … This is all disinformation.”

Jones then booted André off the stage.

“Go on down,” he said as André walked away.

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