A colorful floating sculpture is planned at Bradenton Riverwalk. Check out the design

A new sculpture of the historic Manatee River is coming to Mineral Springs Park in Bradenton.

The sculpture, “The Singing River,” draws on the Manatee River’s folklore and history. City officials say the planned sculpture will sit above the walkway along the Riverwalk East extension.

“In Native American legend, the Manatee River, dividing line between the Calusa and Timucuan peoples, was known as the ‘Singing River’ because of the most beautiful and lovely music it mysteriously made on certain moons,” according to Manatee County’s website.

The artwork, which will cost $350,000, is expected to debut next spring at Mineral Springs Park, 1312 Second Ave. E., Bradenton.

Jean Farmer, the city’s public art coordinator, believes the sculpture will create a little magic in the park. She hopes it will make visitors curious to learn about the humming river.

“There’s only about a handful of these rivers anywhere in the world,” Farmer said.

A rendering shows the design of The Singing River sculpture planned for the Bradenton Riverwalk. The colorful art installation could debut in early 2025.
A rendering shows the design of The Singing River sculpture planned for the Bradenton Riverwalk. The colorful art installation could debut in early 2025.

She also wants the artwork to honor the river’s history. An archaeological dig in 2020 revealed how Angolan settlers in the 19th century lived in Bradenton and added new importance to the site.

“It’s important that we get it right because it’s a very special spot,” Farmer said.

New sculpture coming to Bradenton Riverwalk

Reinaldo Correa, the artist who created the sculpture, set out to capture what makes the city unique and picturesque. The artwork, which will hang in the sky like a canopy, will offer a gorgeous view of the Manatee River.

“It’s encouraging viewers to pause, but ultimately, to continue their journey towards the river,” Correa said.

There’s no doubt that visitors will slow down and look up at the sculpture, which will catch the colors of the sunset and appear to glow at night.

It is meant to leave visitors in awe, Farmer said.

“A city needs places where it can see its past and future,” she said. “Art is something that moves people. I would like to see people experience it and enjoy it. I hope they feel proud of it and want to share it with others.”

A rendering shows the design of The Singing River sculpture planned for the Bradenton Riverwalk. The colorful art installation could debut in early 2025.
A rendering shows the design of The Singing River sculpture planned for the Bradenton Riverwalk. The colorful art installation could debut in early 2025.