Colorado-Utah quake studied for link to deep injection well

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (AP) — Federal officials are investigating whether a 4.5 magnitude earthquake near the Utah-Colorado border was caused by a well that injects salty water deep underground.

The quake struck Monday near a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation facility in western Colorado that collects salt from shallow underground water and injects it 16,000 feet (4,900 meters) deep to keep it out of the Colorado River.

There were no immediate reports of damage.

Agency spokesman Marlon Duke says other quakes have been linked to the injection well, but he didn't know how many.

Duke says the well was shut down for maintenance at the time but pressure would have remained high in the well.

He says the well will remain shut down while officials investigate.

Injection wells have been linked to earthquakes in other states.