Colorado lawmakers should protect rare disease patients

The rare disease community is keeping a watchful eye on Colorado’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Having a child with a rare disease is challenging and stressful. From the day she was born, we’ve gone through a series of scary and life-threatening challenges, starting with open-heart surgery to repair a heart defect, followed by a sepsis infection and diagnosis with cystic fibrosis, a fatal genetic disease.

With cystic fibrosis, we’ve battled lung infections that became resistant to antibiotics, dealt with diabetes and digestion issues, and managed constant stress over scheduling visits to specialists and negotiating with health insurers to ensure access to needed treatments. We finally caught a break in 2019, thanks to an amazing medicine that now controls my child’s lung infections and extended her life expectancy.

It saved her life.

Families like mine need access to treatments. The last thing we need is more worrying about losing access to medication.  

That’s why the rare disease community is keeping a watchful eye on Colorado’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Created in 2021, the PDAB’s underlying premise is sound — to reduce prescription drug costs and better manage the state’s health care budget. I agree with them, but I think rare disease drugs should not be under PDAB’s scrutiny, especially after we lived through a very stressful PDAB review of my daughter’s medicine.

PDABs are looking at only a slice of our complex health care system, missing the other pieces that are involved in the full, lifetime management of a health condition, especially a rare one. Drug costs are just one part of our day-to-day costs of living with a rare disease. We also face rising insurance rates with co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles. In addition to physician and hospital visits, there are indirect costs — things like not being able to work, finding transportation, or buying groceries if special diets or healthy foods are needed.

In my case, I found a flexible job so that I could take care of my daughter. Her brother missed out on sports and other childhood activities, and family vacations were few. That’s why focusing only on the cost of medicines often misses the bigger picture.

And that’s if a treatment even exists at all. I am so grateful that my daughter has an effective one, even though it took nearly two decades for us to get there. More than 90% of the 10,000 rare diseases do not have any FDA-approved treatments. And roughly 80% of rare diseases are genetic, making it difficult to diagnose, research and develop treatments. Because rare disease treatments are challenging to develop and might only affect a handful to several thousand people, these medicines tend to be higher in cost. 

PDABs are looking at only a slice of our complex health care system, missing the other pieces that are involved in the full, lifetime management of a health condition, especially a rare one.

Under law, PDABs could restrict access or limit how much the state can pay for these life-saving medicines. These restrictions could make the future development of and return on investment for these important treatments less appealing for biotech industry investors, to the detriment of patients. If a PDAB is allowed to cut access at any time for rare disease medicines, it would increase risk and uncertainty for companies that invest billions of dollars to develop a medicine for very small populations.  

And even if the PDAB sets a lower drug price, it does not mean that the insurer will pass those savings on to patients. The insurer could decide to keep the medicine on a higher payment tier or even not cover it at all. My child has only one option for her medicine. Without it, she will die. It is worrying that PDABs could restrict access to these medicines, which is contrary to what her physician has prescribed. 

A bill before the Colorado Legislature, Senate Bill 24-60, would reduce the stress about losing access to rare disease treatments by exempting them from PDAB affordability assessments. Other states, like Oregon and Washington, have recognized the uniqueness of these medicines by exempting them from review.

During Colorado’s PDAB review of my daughter’s medicine, we were told that if Colorado were to lose access to her medicine because the insurance would not pay for it, we would have 180 days to move to another state. It’s hard enough to manage living with cystic fibrosis — would we really need to move from our home and community because of a vote by PDAB members who are not experts in rare disease? After a significant outcry from the cystic fibrosis community, the PDAB eventually decided in our favor, recognizing that the lives of people living with a rare disease do matter. It should not have been this difficult.

The fact that many rare disease patients are alive today is a testament to the value of these treatments. We shouldn’t be forced to go the extra mile to educate PDABs on the value of a therapy, including its impact on long-term health and well-being. Yet proof of life isn’t always enough — the PDAB could still decide that a medicine “isn’t worth it” because it has higher costs and so few people are using it. It’s unkind to put families like mine — and the entire rare disease community — under that kind of stress. 

My daughter now has close to a normal lifespan, as long as she stays on her medicine. She is one of the fortunate few rare disease patients with a treatment. I hope that state lawmakers will understand that living with a rare disease is challenging and stressful, and that there is an ongoing need to develop treatments and cures. 

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