Colleyville city council member resigns after DWI charge, his second in 3 months

A Colleyville city council member has resigned after he was arrested by Colleyville police Thursday morning on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, according to a news release from the city.

George Bond, 42, was set to end his Place 2 term next year, according to the city. He has been a Colleyville resident since 2015. He was also arrested arrested on Valentine’s Day on a charge of driving while intoxicated.

Bond was stopped by officers around 3:15 a.m. in the 1100 block of Cheek Sparger Road for failure to stop at a designated point, according to a police spokesperson. Police suspected he was intoxicated and placed him under arrest.

Mayor Bobby Lindamood said in a news release Thursday that he is “saddened by the events surrounding the arrest of City Councilmember George Bond” and that he’s thankful Bond didn’t hurt himself or others.

“It is my sincere hope that George is able to secure the help necessary to live a happy and healthy life,” Lindamood said in the news release. “However, in my opinion, this event has called into question George’s ability to serve as an elected official for our great city.”

Lindamood told the Star-Telegram in a text message after the Valentine’s Day arrest that he was waiting on the results of a blood-alcohol content test.

“Everyone makes mistakes, and in those times we hope our friends will lift us up in our time of need. We will wait and take baby steps for now until all of the information is released,” Lindamood said after that first arrest.

This time, Lindamood said he requested Bond’s resignation from the council and Bond complied. The City Council is expected to discuss the arrest and resignation at its next meeting on June 4.