Cockatoos invent and create tools, rivalling great apes, scientists find

Dolittle the cockatoo demonstrating fashioning a stick from a piece of cardboard  - Bene Croy
Dolittle the cockatoo demonstrating fashioning a stick from a piece of cardboard - Bene Croy

Cockatoos are known for their intelligence, having demonstrated the ability to pick locks, match shapes and even ride miniature bicycles along a tightrope.

But now scientists have discovered they are far cleverer, rivalling apes and human four-year-olds in their ability to invent and fashion complex tools to reach food.

Austrian scientists have spent years testing the abilities of Goffin’s cockatoos named Dolittle, Figaro, Kiwi, Konrad, Pipin and Fini at a special laboratory in Vienna.

Now they have now demonstrated the birds are capable of sizing-up the length of poking device needed to reach seeds through a hole in a perspex box, and then make it from a piece of cardboard.  

Even when scientists moved the seeds closer to the hole, the cockatoos took a quick glance then designed a tool that was smaller to save effort.

“The way the animals show flexibility in their tool making behaviour between different distances, suggest that they at least learn to pay attention to different conditions” said Dr Alice Auersperg, of the University of Vienna, the head of the Goffin Lab.

“As longer cardboard strips required more parallel bitemarks we have an continuous increase in investment in the manufacture of longer tools and it is likely that the animals were able to save effort.

“Nevertheless, as time passed they did eventually fall into a strategy of making long tools most of the time as they became more efficient or as a strategy of avoiding the risk of having to discard a tool of insufficient size.

“It has been shown that parrots and crows often rival the great apes in performance in cognitive tasks and they also seem to have similar neuron counts in the cortex-like areas of their brains as higher primates.”

Dolittle the cockatoo demonstrating fashioning a stick from a piece of cardboard  - Credit: Bene Croy
Dolittle the cockatoo demonstrating fashioning a stick from a piece of cardboard Credit: Bene Croy

Only very few animal species such as the great apes and a few birds can use or even make their own tools to fish for out-of-reach food. Chimpanzees are known to use sticks to poke into termite mounts, while crows can bend metal hooks to reach food at the bottom of a bottle.

However making different tools for different situations represents a bigger cognitive challenge.

Experts think Goffin’s cockatoos have developed such abilities because they are island birds, native to Indonesia, where they feed on a variety of foods and have devised a range of strategies to get their dinner.

For the new experiments researchers placed the six cockatoos near to a food platform which was positioned between 1.5 and six inches behind a plastic sheet with a small hole in the centre. They then gave the birds a large cardboard sheet.

The birds changed the length of the sticks depending on how far the food was placed behind the perspex  - Credit: Bene Croy
The birds changed the length of the sticks depending on how far the food was placed behind the perspex Credit: Bene Croy

Fairly quickly the birds began to use their beaks as a hole punch to create the exact length of cardboard strip they required depending on how far the food was away.

They even rejected tools immediately that they deemed unsuitable after making and only needed two attempts to make stick of the correct length. Fini, one of the females, even made a thinner stick when researchers made the hole smaller.

“They made significantly longer cardboard strips when a food reward was further away and shorter strips when the food was closer to a probing hole in a puzzle box” said Carina Köck, a student who conducted the study at the Goffin Lab.

“If they do make tools that are not long enough to breach the distance between the food reward and the probing hole they usually discard them before even trying to insert them into the box and immediately make a longer one” she adds.

“They even discard notably longer tools when the food is far away than when it is close.”

Previously scientists have found they cockatoos can even pass ‘the marshmallow test’ resisting the temptation of eating a treat in front of them for a greater reward later, an example of higher reasoning.

The research was published in the journal Plos One.