CM to bid on Webb Ave. as possible indoor rec site

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May 24—Crossville City Manager Greg Wood will be bidding on property during an on-line auction on behalf of the city after council set a limit on the amount the city will offer. The property could be used as site for the planned indoor recreation facility.

Discussion of the online auction for property on Webb Ave. and other items on the consecutive special called session and budget work session took place last Tuesday.

Items also addressed was what to do with city-owned parcels on Sparta Hwy. and the present site of fire station 2 located on Industrial Dr. across from Centennial Park and a future relocation of station 2 as population and store density in the city shifts northward toward I-40 and beyond with the widening of Hwy. 127 N.

Councilman Scott Shanks raised the potential of the Webb Ave. property as an attractive investment for the city whether it is used for the indoor recreational building or held for other use.

Shanks strongly supports placing the indoor facility in the center of town — as close to Main St. as possible — to give it high visibility for the community.

While the Webb Ave. site "is not my first choice, I think we should actively pursue it ... it is very important it be visible."

Still in consideration but fading in interest is property around the old Ford car dealership on N. Main St.

The Webb Ave. property is being sold in the live auction that ends late May 26. Council gave the city manager authorization to bid on the property with a cap on how much Wood can bid without having to bring it back to council.

Discussion was held on how to handle the live auction on the night it ends. Bidding will end at midnight. Those who have entered bids on the property will have five minutes to respond to a bid at the time bidding closes.

If the sale of property goes above what council has OK'd for the city manager to spend, council will have to give additional approval for the city to remain in the bidding.

This would require a late night special called meeting. If one is called, public notice will be required stating the purpose of the special meeting.

Also discussed were structural issues at the Crossville Fire Department's station two. Wood told council his preliminary tour of the station has led him to believe it might be better to abandoned and sell that property and build a new fire station closer to the anticipated growth area of N. Main St.

He cited the state's widening of Hwy. 127 N., north of I-40, and widening of the Northwest Connector as reasons council might want to consider relocating firefighter's second station.

He also proposed that should council approve that action, along with the sale of a parcel of land on Hwy. 70 W., those funds be placed in a reserve — or sinking — account earmarked for the purpose of helping with funding for the second station.

During the work session, city Finance Director Fred Houston reviewed the proposed budget of the water, sewer and related general fund categories. This included annual donations of $60,000 to the Chamber of Commerce and $30,000 to the Cumberland County Playhouse.

Downtown Crossville Inc. has requested the same amount of $10,000 as was received last year. Friends of the Trails has not asked for a donation increase this year, citing projects being considered in the future that might need additional help from council.

Most accounts contained routine items and no big expenditures were discussed. Council continues to work toward balanced budget plan which will be subject of public hearings before final approval.

Michael Moser may be reached at