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Mar. 1—50 Extension Homemakers

The 50 Extension Homemakers met at the Extension Office Feb. 21, 2024, at 1 p.m. Isabelle Royse, president, called the meeting to order followed by the Homemaker's Creed and the pledge to the American flag. Isabelle, hostess, gave devotions from Jesus Is Calling. For cultural arts, she showed us her blue Mr. Peanut bank which she received as a child.

Judy Kessens read the Thought of the Month, "Strong women don't have attitude, they have standards and boundaries." In lieu of the Song of the Month, we had a recipe for Buster Bar dessert. We sang "Happy Birthday" to Ann Stagge.

Nine members answered roll by stating whether they are planning a vacation this year. Juanita Israel read the January secretary's report which was approved as read, and Bertha gave the treasurer's report.

It was noted that there will be a sewing day for Operation Christmas Child boys' shorts on March 8 at the Extension office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Operation Christmas Child craft group will begin March 11 at First Baptist Church at 1 p.m. Many hands are needed to get the Christmas boxes filled.

Isabelle reported that she turned in 2,400+ volunteer hours for our club. Retreat will be May 25 and 26 at Camp Higher Ground. It may be the last one unless someone volunteers to take leadership. We need to pay dues by our March meeting. Several paid today. The fair Open Class will begin July 8 with the fair officially being held July 11 to 17. The parade will be Sunday, July 14, beginning at 3 p.m.

The cookie contest idea will be held if some group wants to sponsor it. The proceeds would go to that group. April 18 will be International Night. We will be going to Greece. Cost for the meal will be $15. The Madison District Spring meeting will be March 18 at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds beginning at 9 a.m.

For Health and Safety, Bertha read how to "Outsmart Tension Headaches." 88% of women suffer from them at some time. Essential oils like peppermint and lavender with massage can help. Vitamin B rich foods may also help. Following Club Prayer, Juanita gave the lesson "Cooking with Honey."

Isabelle served two kinds of dirt pudding, chocolates, and nuts for dessert. Ann and Lucinda had the lucky napkins and received the door prizes.

Our next meeting will be March 20, 1 p.m., at the Extension Office with Lucinda Israel as hostess. Isabelle will have the educational lesson and Juanita will have the health and safety lesson.

Linger Awhile Extension Homemakers

The Linger Awhile Extension Homemakers Club met at the Greensburg Adult Center on Feb. 21 at 10 a.m. for their regular monthly meeting. President Diann Reisman opened the meeting leading the Club Creed and Pledge to the Flag. For Devotions, Irene Tebbe read "Reflect God's Light" by Mary B. Conn. Since our meeting last month was canceled because of bad weather, Theresa Ripperger read the Thought of the Month for January: "Life is not about expecting, hoping, and wishing. It's about doing, being and becoming." Rosemary Schroeder read the Thought of the Month for February: "Strong Women don't have attitude, they have standards and boundaries." Roll Call was taken by answering two questions: "How many New Year's resolutions have you already broken?" and "Are you planning a vacation this year?"

Secretary Paulette Duerstock read the minutes of the November meeting as well as our annual Christmas luncheon outing held on Dec. 11 at the Big 4 Café in Batesville. Irene Tebbe gave the Treasurer's report. All joined in singing the Song of the Month from January, "God Bless America". Happy Birthday wishes were sung for Irene Tebbe and Rosemary Schroeder.

Diann reported on the Feb. 5 Council meeting. Topics included: International Night on April 18 when the Clinton Club will be hosting the country of Greece; Sewing Day for Operation Christmas Child on March 8 at the Extension office; Spring District meeting on March 18 at Bartholomew County Fairgrounds; Homemakers Retreat on May 7 and 8 at Camp Higher Ground; Decatur County Fair July 11 to17; Bread of Life Turkey Noodle Dinner on March 7; and a reminder that dues need to be paid before May 1.

For Cultural Arts, Patsy read an article on the West End School from Pat Smith's column in the Daily News.

We discussed the Lesson on Purging our Paper Piles and being Clutter Free.

For Health and Safety, Theresa Ripperger read an article which reported that the most recent COVID shot isn't actually a booster. It's a new vaccine which targets the latest variants. So even if you got the previous booster, you're not fully protected from the current versions of the virus. The coronavirus isn't a seasonal virus like the flu is. It's with us constantly.

Our meeting closed with singing the Homemaker's Prayer. Patsy Harmeyer won the 50/50. For refreshments Irene served delicious pineapple cake.

Our next meeting will be on March 20 at the Adult Center when we will discuss the Lesson on Stress and Self Care.

Information provided — Information provided