Clinton calls out Trump for being a sore loser about the Emmys

The United States presidential election is a lot like Modern Family cleaning house. Well, according to Donald Trump.

In the final presidential debate, Hillary Clinton pointed out that Trump has a history of calling competitions rigged — including the Emmys when they neglected to recognize The Apprentice as the greatest show that ever was. 

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Clinton brought up Trump's tweets in the debate, and sure enough, Trump was very upset about the issue back in 2012.

See, Trump knows how to appeal to the youth.

Even back then, Trump refused to acknowledge the real problems our nation was facing, like the Emmys snubbing Gilmore Girls.

He revisited his cause in 2013.

...and in 2014. 

Let's all remember simpler times, when Trump took the Emmys stage overalls next to Megan Mullally.