Clean Energy Columbus saved residents $38 million last year. It helps environment and our wallets.

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USA, Power Line, Electricity, Fuel and Power Generation, Electricity Pylon

Alana R. Shockey serves as deputy director of Sustainability and Regulatory Compliance for the city of Columbus Department of Public Utilities.

As the spring season blooms around us, so does our commitment to a cleaner, brighter future for the city of Columbus.

It's with great pride that we prepare to head into the fourth year of our Clean Energy Columbus aggregation program, a visionary initiative that not only transforms our energy landscape but empowers our community.

This spring participating and eligible residents will receive Opt-Out letters from our program supplier AEP Energy. We encourage residents to consider the immense program benefits and take no action to participate.

At its core, Clean Energy Columbus is about choices — choices that benefit both our environment and our wallets.

Through participation in this voluntary program Columbus residents have enjoyed over $38 million in cost savings during the past year and are currently saving an average of $25/month on their electric bill, proving that sustainability can also be financially savvy.

Opinion: Program has helped Columbus transform to leader on climate and sustainability

This isn't just about dollars and cents, though. It's about building a foundation for a cleaner, healthier city for generations to come.

One of the hallmarks of Clean Energy Columbus is its commitment to 100% clean energy.

It always has been and always will be. That means no compromises when it comes to reducing pollution and supporting our city's Columbus Climate Action Plan goals. But it's not just about what we're doing today; it's about the path we're forging for the future.

That path includes a commitment to Ohio clean energy projects like the upcoming 200MW Atlanta Farms Solar project in Pickaway County — just a short drive from Columbus — that will be part of the program this upcoming year. With this path we're not only reducing our carbon footprint but creating good-paying jobs right here in our own backyard.

How Clean Energy Columbus is different

What truly sets Clean Energy Columbus apart, however, is its inclusive approach.

We believe that everyone – regardless of income or background — deserves access to clean, renewable energy. That's why the program includes a community grant built into its rate, and the city was proud to first utilize that funding for the first time last year on a Low-Moderate Income Solar Co-Op pilot program.

The pilot is underway and will provide low-income residents and communities of color with solar, complete with battery backup for resiliency. It's about equity, empowerment, and creating ambassadors for clean energy in every corner of our city.

We urge you to consider the immense benefits of Clean Energy Columbus.

If you receive an Opt-Out letter and you're happy with the program or eager to join us in our mission for a cleaner, brighter future, simply take no action. Your participation not only supports our community now but propels us towards a more vibrant, sustainable tomorrow.

Together, let's power our future with Clean Energy Columbus.

Alana R. Shockey serves as deputy director of Sustainability and Regulatory Compliance for the city of Columbus Department of Public Utilities. She leads the City’s Sustainability Office, Sustainable Columbus, and a growing staff of climate and energy, resilience, engagement, and regulatory compliance specialists tasked with implementing the Columbus Climate Action Plan and planning for a sustainable future for all the City of Columbus residents.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Clean Energy Columbus: Why the program is valuable.