Classic Jaguar Burned In Wildfire En Route To New Owner

Malcolm Croxton knows his cars; he’s restored several, most recently a ‘64 Jaguar E-Type coupe. For his next project, Croxton searched the country for a ‘62 E-Type like the one he’d grown up with, and after finding one for $50,000 had it shipped to his home in Torrance, Calif. This week, the Jag arrived — only after being caught in a wildfire that swept over a California highway last month.

As the video from KABC-TV above shows, Croxton seems quite sanguine for a man who’s just received an investment cooked to well done. The E-Type had no gas in its tank, so instead of exploding it was merely charbroiled, a condition that Croxton says will take him more than a year to restore.

What may take longer to restore is his financial outlay; Croxton says there’s an insurance dispute over the fire that may leave him with no repayment for the damage done. Owning an E-Type requires a certain amount of perseverance even when they’re pristine, let alone half melted; this Jaguar is lucky to have an owner who believes in cats with multiple lives.