Clark County records 37 new COVID-19 cases, no new deaths on Wednesday

Mar. 31—Clark County recorded 37 new COVID-19 cases and no new deaths on Wednesday, according to Clark County Public Health.

The new cases push the county's total to 19,417 cases per date, according to Public Health data. There has been an average of about 43 new cases a day since Friday, up from last week's average of about 37 new cases a day and the previous two weeks' average of about 34 cases a day.

With no new deaths recorded Wednesday, Clark County's deaths from COVID-19 stands at 242, according to Public Health data. One death has been recorded so far this week; deaths are added to the county's tally about 10-12 days after they occur.

The number of active cases still in their isolation period fell sharply, to 102 on Wednesday from 230 on Tuesday.

Hospitalizations held steady on Wednesday, with 19 people hospitalized with COVID-19, the same as Tuesday, and five people were hospitalized awaiting test results, down from six on Tuesday.

Clark County has been allocated 14,330 first doses and 12,700 second doses of vaccine through Sunday, according to Public Health. There have been 148,132 doses administered in Clark County as of Saturday, with 112,107 Clark County residents receiving at least one dose and 60,197 fully vaccinated.

The vaccine allocation data does not include vaccine allocated by the federal government through the retail pharmacy program, according to Public Health.