New civility: Twitter explodes with Cheney hate following heart transplant

While Dick Cheney was recovering from his heart transplant in the intensive care unit of Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Va. Saturday, Twitter exploded with hate and ill wishes for the former vice president. (RELATED: Dick Cheney recovering after heart transplant surgery)

“Whoever donated their heart to dick cheney: fuck you,” tweeted @yokelesy.

“Cheney’s black soul keeps rotting out his heart. Fuck that bitch,” @SolidGlo waxed poetic.

“Why in the contumacious fuck are we wasting a perfectly good heart on dick cheney?” tweeted @mr_senor_pete

Another offered a different if similar perspective, expressing happiness for Cheney’s transplant — so that Cheney could one day meet his demise in a fire.

“I’m glad Cheney survived his heart transplant because I’ve always wanted him to die in a horrible fire,” @Jedimasterbator tweeted.

Others had suggestions for how to spend the rest of the evening.

“Also, bummed Cheney didn’t die. Might go celebrate Bulls win / mourn Cheney’s survival with beers,” offered @mybandowen.

“Angry villagers have gathered outside of Inova Fairfax Hospital with torches and pitchforks demanding the monster be put to death! #cheney,” tweeted @HVonHankelton.

Still others tied the event to the presidential election.

“Rick Santorum asks to take Cheney’s old dead heart to show to his family. #familyvalues” tweeted @jazzidiot.

While there were many who offered Cheney and his family their best wishes, hatred — despite what has been called a new era of political civility — was out in full force.

“Fuck you, Dick. Cheney,” tweeted @winelibrarian.

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