City releases names of police officers disciplined in Perkins' shooting death

Dec. 15—Bailey Marquette, Christopher Mukaddam, Joey Williams and Vance Summers are the Decatur police officers who were disciplined in connection with the fatal shooting of Steve Perkins and all have since appealed, Human Resources Director Richelle Sandlin confirmed this morning.

They are the same four officers named as defendants in a lawsuit filed against the city of Decatur this week by Perkins' family.

On Dec. 7 following a determination hearing, Mayor Tab Bowling upheld the termination of three officers and suspended a fourth for 10 days without pay for their actions in the Sept. 29 incident. Sandlin said she was advised by the Legal Department that she could not say which officer of the four officers was suspended.

The officers' appeals will next go to a public hearing before the Personnel Board.

Sandlin said the board is required to give notice of the appeals hearings by Jan. 21, but she plans to begin today setting the hearing dates. This will require coordinating the schedules of the Personnel Board members, the Legal Department attorney and the officers and their attorneys, she said.

"The hearings will not be held in December because of the holidays," Sandlin said. or 256-340-2432. Twitter @DD_BayneHughes.