City Council approves request for support barriers on Sisler Street

Mar. 16—KINGWOOD — A request to put up support barriers at the trail head on Sisler Street was approved by Kingwood City Council during this week.

Sara Saurino told council the barrier would be a "typical Jersey barrier " that could be moved if needed. She said utility pipes under the area of the trail head make it impossible to use other types of barriers.

A Jersey barrier is a modular concrete or plastic barrier that is typically used to separate lanes of traffic and prevent vehicles from crossing over into the other lane. They have a rectangular shape with a wide bottom end to aid their stability.

Council also discussed complaints about the decision to move recycling bins. During their last meeting, council members voted to move the recycling bins to the recycling building, fence and gate the bins in, and add cameras.

Mayor Jean Guillot said the move was necessary due to the misuse of the bins. He said people had been putting items in the bins that are not recyclables, including a dead dog, a dead cat, used baby diapers, rotted chicken meat and other garbage. He said city employees should not have to spend several hours every Monday morning cleaning such things out the bins. Guillot also reminded people to wash out cans before placing them in the recycle bins.

In other business, Kathy Mace presented council with a tentative plan for Summerfest 24. The first Summerfest was held last June 17. Activities for this year will include the farmers' market and the West Virginia Day Celebration at the McGrew House ; downtown events will include Mountain Man Axe Throwing, a Kung Fu Demonstration ; WV Sound Factory ; musicians ; a car show ; and kid's zone.

She said more information and a schedule will be available by April 8.

Council also voted to pass the Fair Housing Resolution and Plan, and voted to provide a letter of support for Wades World of Wonder.

Kingwood Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Stiles said his department is taking applications for pool lifeguards. Call 304-329-0856 for information.

Council went into executive session to discuss personnel.

The next meeting of the Kingwood City Council will be 6:30 p.m. March 25.