Church performances seek to fill Rochester Salvation Army food shelves

Apr. 10—ROCHESTER — A series of Evangel United Methodist Church performances will help supply The Salvation Army's local food shelf.

Performances of "Fully: Fully God He Made Us, Fully Man He Saved Us" are a story told through dialogue, narration, and song, featuring live music and guest artist, Mark Smeby.

As host of the annual "Feed the Need" food collection in Rochester, Evangel United Methodist Church, 2645 N. Broadway Ave., will use all funds raised to supply food for The Salvation Army's food shelf.

"We really wanted to create a musical telling of the Gospel story that would nourish the spirits of people, while simultaneously working to build support for an organization and program that nourishes peoples' bodies," said Jim Klepper, Christian education and worship director at Evangel. "We really want this community to know that they are welcome, that we want them to be a part of 'Fully,' and that their support is invaluable to feeding our neighbors in more ways than one."

Performances at the church are at 7 p.m. April 21 and 22 and 2 p.m. on April 23.

Tickets are available online at

or directly through the church.