Christmas cheer spread through holiday decoration collection in Aiken

Dec. 23—When you walk through the front door of Vivian Miles's home you can't help but feel the Christmas spirit.

Her house is filled with Christmas trees, Santas, manger scenes, angels and more. Miles, 89, began collecting items in 1955 when she and her late husband, J.J., moved to Aiken and continued to add to it each year.

"Every year we would add more ornaments, and I used to just have one tree in all, but now I have a tree into every room," she said. "Some of those in the living room are ornaments from 1956 until now, we would add a few every year to it."

When Miles says every room, she means it. There are trees in the three bedrooms, two bathrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen, den and sun room. While some of the Christmas trees are traditionally decorated, some are decorated by theme.

"This one (in the den) is manger scenes," Miles said. "The bedroom, (my) dear, dear friend Doris Woodward made every ornament on that tree, I call that my friendship tree. In one room I have nothing but angels, and I call that my angel tree. One room I call it my Santa Claus, I have nothing but Santa Claus ornaments."

Miles also has hundreds of Santas throughout her house. She started collecting Santas because she loves the color red. There are also manger scenes throughout the house, but Miles said she doesn't remember how she started collecting them.

"I would go shopping I would see them and I would get them," Miles said. "In fact, I got me one this year."

It takes Miles almost two months to get all the decorations set up. She starts at the beginning of October and has it done by Thanksgiving. Her son, Jimmy, helps her bring in the tubs the decorations are stored in and she said she enjoys going through them.

"I just enjoy seeing, when I get a tub, opening it up and see what's inside," Miles said. "I just enjoy Christmas. I have some Christmas sweaters and things and I wear them all during Christmas, I just love Christmas, it's my favorite thing to do ... I just enjoy doing it."

Jimmy said his mom has always enjoyed the Christmas season and having people come over and see her decorations.

"She just enjoys doing it," Jimmy said. "There was a neighbor next door who almost coined the phrase calling her 'Mama Christmas' because he was just impressed with what she did at Christmas time."