Christians celebrate Easter throughout the area

Apr. 1—There wasn't too much sun at early morning Easter services throughout Ashtabula County, but Christians still got up early to celebrate the Resurrection.

"We know the world is challenging and the world disappoints, us but God never does," said Rev. Jason Hockran of Andover United Methodist Church. Hockran kicked off an interdenominational "Sonrise Resurrection Service" at Andover Township Park at 7 a.m. on Sunday.

More than 40 people showed up with blankets and coats to try and stay warm in the chilly weather touched by a drizzling rain.

"When Jesus rises from the dead, the disciples don't get it," said Rev. Jerry Fritz, of First Congregational United Church of Christ in Andover. He said the crucifixion baffled Jesus' followers.

Fritz said Mary, Jesus' mother, got things all wrong as well. He said she was crying and wondering where Jesus' body had gone.

"Then she finds herself standing before him," he said. He said the risen Christ offered people a new option with eternal life and "no more tears."

"He tells us and he tells his disciples then, to begin [new] lives now," Fritz said. "The empty tomb changes everything," he said later.

At Saybrook Methodist Church, Rev. Tom Orr shared how Lenten experiences had touched him during the last 40 days. He talked about how disappointed Jesus must have been when he was betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver and when Peter denied him three times.

Orr also added the chants of the crowd to crucify Jesus and free a prisoner also must have concerned Jesus.

Orr said he was touched to the point of tears this week as he touched a cross during a Good Friday service at Plymouth Methodist church.

"Each one of us has been called to carry the cross of Jesus Christ," Orr said to the early morning service that drew more than 45 people before a breakfast and another opportunity to worship.

Several hundred worshippers took communion and celebrated the hope of the risen Christ at Our Lady of Peace Mount Carmel Church on Sunday morning.

After communion, worshippers sang a closing hymn and headed home. "Have a blessed Easter, enjoy your day with family," said Father Raymond Thomas to conclude the service.

Byron Landolfi, a worshipper at the church, said he loves the tradition of the Easter experience. "It is a new beginning. Chris is Risen," he said.