Chris and Rihanna Go to Court Together

Today in famous person gossip: Rihanna offered moral support to Chris Brown on his day in court, Tiffani Thiessen has an awkward run-in with an old costar, and Marilyn Manson might not be well.

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The big news in Los Angeles yesterday was that beloved/reviled R&B singer Chris Brown headed to court to attend a hearing about whether or not he'd violated the terms of his probation. He's on probation because of the time he attacked his girlfriend, singer Rihanna, in his car, but was recently accused of lying about doing his required community service. So, another court date for Chris Brown, no big deal. Except! Rihanna came with him. Yes, the reunited couple headed off to the courthouse together, he in a strange gray suit, she in a patterned blouse (are we still saying blouse? Or have blouses not been worn since the early days of the Wakefield twins?) and crucifix necklace. Nothing much actually happened at the hearing — the judge said he wants to hear from the probation officer and scheduled another hearing for April 5 — but the show of solidarity from Rihanna certainly had tongues a-wagging. Basically it feels like this whole saga/ordeal is never going to end. That we are trapped in an eddy of Chris and Rihanna news forever, swirling and swirling and swirling into timeless infinity. Either that or they break up again and that's that. Whichever happens first! [TMZ]

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Actress Tiffani (Amber) Thiessen was on the Today show on Tuesday promoting her USA show White Suits, I mean White Collar, and got an unpleasant surprise. Because she was on the show Saved by the Bell a million years ago, she was surprised with a game of '90s trivia on a set that looked like the Max, the popular hang-out spot on SbtB. Which, OK, fine, Thiessen has tried to distance herself from that show in recent years, but that's perfectly harmless, I guess. But then, with a sadly booming "Hey hey hey hey, what is going on here?" out shuffled one Dennis Haskins, who of course played principal Mr. Belding on the teen sitcom and has not really moved on since. Thiessen looked none too happy to see him, giving him a withering hello and frowning. Or at least I'm told that's what happened! I have not watched the video, because that sounds absolutely terrible. Why would anyone want to watch something that uncomfortable? No thanks, I do enough squirming and sweating as is. Have at the video if you want, but I will not be watching it. Poor Tiffani Thiessen. Poor Dennis Haskins. Poor Amber! Where did Amber go? Tossed out the car window on the way to somewhere, lying by the side of the road. I bet Amber would have greeted Dennis Haskins warmly, been glad to see him. But Amber's gone now. There's only Tiffani Thiessen, and she's only looking forward. [Us Weekly]

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Yikes. A former Universal Pictures co-chairman named Brian Mulligan is suing the LAPD, claiming that "on his way to a medical marijuana dispensary to pick up THC pills to help him sleep on a business trip," he was accosted by two officers who beat him and falsely imprisoned him inside a hotel room last May. This is the Brian Mulligan who had earlier approached a police officer and confessed to being on the crazy-making drug bath salts, saying that people were following him and that he could hear a helicopter. So the guy has been in a bad way, and now he says he was forced to check into a motel room by on-duty offers, extorted, and then hit with a baton when he tried to leave. There's a photo of the injuries to his face and it's not pretty. Mulligan is seeking $20 million in the suit, but I'd imagine that it'll be pretty hard to wring that out of the LAPD, especially given his history. There's a whole sexual element involved that's rather murky too; the whole thing is a mess. The basic gist is that Hollywood is a hell of a town, folks. Hell of a town. [The Hollywood Reporter]

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Marilyn Manson collapsed on stage during a show in Canada last night, with some rumors suggesting that he vomited too. At first the band and the audience thought it was part of the show, but when they realized it wasn't, stagehands quickly raced out to help him. Manson had been in the middle of performing his big hit "Beautiful People" when he collapsed. There's a video, as there always is these days. There's no word yet on if he's OK or what exactly happened, but it seems that Marilyn Manson may be unwell. More so than usual, I mean. [TMZ]

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Here's a really in-depth and insightful article about Dave Franco, actor and younger brother of James. Really makes some interesting points, I think. Check it out if you can do a long read today.[Daily Mail]

And here's a picture of Ryan Lochte, the swimbo king of the universe, recreating the iconic cover of Nirvana's Nevermind. You know, the baby in the pool swimming after the dollar bill. Lochte, being a full-grown sexual being, is of course not naked in the picture, but otherwise it's the same. What album cover will he do next? An elaborate Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness? A pierced-nipple Get a Grip? The early 1990s are fertile with possibility! [New York Daily News]

Awards-bedecked skier Lindsey Vonn may have just injured herself, wiping out hard at the Alpine World Championships on Tuesday, but she says she plans to be back on the slopes by November. She's gotta get ready for those Sochi Olympics, after all. We wish her luck. But, yeah, OK, obviously you want to see the crash video, so here it is. Enjoy, you monsters. [People]