Chinese rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang sentenced to four years in prison

Li Wenzu, the wife of prominent Chinese rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang, holds a box with a family picture and the detention notice for her husband - REUTERS
Li Wenzu, the wife of prominent Chinese rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang, holds a box with a family picture and the detention notice for her husband - REUTERS

Prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison after being found guilty on a charge of subversion of state power, three years after he was detained in a crackdown on lawyers and activists.

Mr Wang, 42, was the last case awaiting a verdict after Chinese authorities detained 250 Chinese rights lawyers in a massive sweep in 2015, known as the “709” crackdown in reference to July 9, the date on which it began.

A court in Tianjin released the verdict on Monday in a one-sentence statement posted online. Mr Wang, who defended political activists and victims of land seizures, is also deprived of “political rights” for five years in China, the statement said, without specifying further details.

Human rights experts have criticised the treatment of Mr Wang, who was first detained in August 2015 after which he disappeared from sight. Details of his situation didn’t emerge until July 2018, when his was informed that he was alive and being held in Tianjin.

Mr Wang remained in custody until he was tried in a closed hearing in December, which was held without access to his lawyers or family. His wife, Li Wenzu, was blocked by authorities from leaving her apartment complex to stop her from attending the trial, according to rights experts.

Li Wenzu has her head shaved to protest the detention of her husband and Chinese human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang - Credit: AFP
Li Wenzu has her head shaved to protest the detention of her husband and Chinese human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang Credit: AFP

“The verdict makes a mockery of the ‘rule of law’ the Xi Jinping government claims it champions,” said Yaqiu Wang, a researcher with Human Rights Watch, an advocacy group. “Authorities’ treatment of him – including denying him access to family or legal counsel for three years and allegedly torturing him in custody – is the true metric of rule of law in China.”

Mr Wang was part of the Fengrui Law Firm, known for taking on sensitive cases, and worked on various issues ranging from defending religious freedom to exposing corruption.

Lawyers in China, including Mr Wang, have faced intimidation and harassment for their work, though the “709” crackdown marked a turning point, showing that those in the legal profession could also face charges previously reserved for activists and others they defended.

Some of those detained in the 2015 sweep have been released though they are no longer allowed to practise law.

“It is outrageous that Wang Quanzhang is being punished for peacefully standing up for human rights in China,” said Doriane Lau, China researcher for Amnesty International, which is calling for his release. Mr Wang’s family continues to be harassed by the authorities, she said.