China offers to open discussions on post-Brexit trade deal, Jeremy Hunt says after talks in Beijing

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt shakes hands with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi - AFP
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt shakes hands with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi - AFP

China has offered to open discussions on a post-Brexit free trade deal with Britain, Jeremy Hunt said in Beijing on Monday.

The Foreign Secretary, appointed earlier this month following his predecessor Boris Johnson's resignation, was speaking after holding talks with his Chinese counterpart.

Making an awkward debut in China, he sought to curry favour with his hosts by mentioning his Chinese wife, but accidentally referred to her as "Japanese". China and Japan have been traditional rivals for centuries. 

"My wife is Japanese - my wife is Chinese. That's a terrible mistake to make," he told his counterpart, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

"My wife is Chinese and my children are half-Chinese and so we have Chinese grandparents who live in Xian and strong family connections in China," he added, referring to the ancient city of Xian in northern China.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, third from right, speaks during his meeting with Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt, second from left - Credit: AP
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, third from right, speaks during his meeting with Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt, second from left Credit: AP

Mr Hunt had earlier hailed UK-China relations ahead of his first visit to the country as Foreign Secretary.

He said the two countries were both "major powers with a global perspective" ahead of his meeting with Wang Yi in the Chinese capital.

He was expected to stress Britain's commitment to deepening ties post-Brexit between the nations when he attends the UK-China Strategic Dialogue on Monday.

Trade, North Korea, nuclear weapons and climate change were  among the topics up for discussion.

Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt, left, speaks during his meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi - Credit: AP
Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt, left, speaks during his meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Credit: AP

Ahead of the visit, Mr Hunt, who replaced Boris Johnson in July, said: "The UK and China are both major powers with a global perspective.

"As the UK leaves the EU and becomes ever-more outward-looking, we are committed to deepening this vital partnership for the 21st century.

"The UK-China Strategic Dialogue is an important opportunity to intensify our co-operation on shared challenges in international affairs, ranging from global free trade to non-proliferation and environmental challenges, under the UK-China global partnership and 'golden era' for UK-China relations."

Mr Hunt has already visited Berlin to push Theresa May's Brexit plans and the Foreign Office said that following his visit to China he would travel to Paris and Vienna for talks with his counterparts there.

The discussions will also cover the Iran nuclear deal, Russia and the war in Syria, the FCO said.