Children struggle to hold pens because of excessive use of iPads, claim experts

Children can no longer hold pens and pencils effectively, it has been claim - Juice Images / Alamy 
Children can no longer hold pens and pencils effectively, it has been claim - Juice Images / Alamy

Children are struggling to use and pencils because the excessive use of touchscreen phones and iPads is damaging their dexterity, specialists have claimed.

Paediatric doctors, handwriting experts and orthopaedic therapists are warning that although youngsters can swipe a screen, they no longer have the hand strength and agility to learn to write correctly when they start school.

Increasingly the use of digital screens is replacing traditional skills such as drawing, painting and cutting out which boost fine motor skills and coordination.

“Children coming into school are being given a pencil but are increasingly not be able to hold it because they don’t have the fundamental movement skills,” Sally Payne, the head paediatric occupational therapist at the Heart of England foundation NHS Trust, told The Guardian newspaper.

“To be able to grip a pencil and move it, you need strong control of the fine muscles in your fingers. Children need lots of opportunity to develop those skills.”

A recent study in found that 58 per cent of under-twos had used a tablet or mobile phone and many nurseries have installed interactive ‘smartboards’, digital cameras and touch-screen computers to try to expose children to gadgets at an early age.

One of the learning goals in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is that ‘children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and school.’

Handwriting is essential for developing fine motor skills and expression, say teachers  - Credit: Rii Schroer
Handwriting is essential for developing fine motor skills and expression, say teachers Credit: Rii Schroer

However the National Handwriting Association (NHA) warned that excessive use of technology is impeding writing skills.

Without activities such as manipulating playdough, holding scissors and scribbling with pencils and crayons, muscles in the shoulder, elbow and wrist needed for writing do not develop.

Teachers have reported that some children do not even know how to receive a pencil or paintbrush, because they no longer have the dexterity to grasp the objects. And the problem has become worse in the past decade.

“The risk is that we make too many assumptions about why a child isn’t able to write at the expected age and don’t intervene when there is a technology-related cause,” said Mellissa Prunty, a paediatric occupational therapist and vice-chair of the NHA.

In 2014, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers warned that rising numbers of children are unable to perform simple tasks such as using building blocks because of overexposure to iPads.

Karin Bishop, an assistant director at the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, also added: “Whilst there are many positive aspects to the use of technology, there is growing evidence on the impact of more sedentary lifestyles and increasing virtual social interaction, as children spend more time indoors online and less time physically participating in active occupations.”

Shirley Shayler,  headmistress of Millfield Prep School, also recently cautioned in The Telegraph, that swiping on tablets was damaging childen’s ability to write.

“Children who start school with no experience of classic arts and crafts activities are likely to find handwriting much more of a challenge,” she said.

“Poor handwriting can have serious consequences for early literacy and academic performance. Handwriting is a skill that lasts a lifetime - and the learning of it teaches us so much more than just how to put words on paper.”