Children evacuated over threat to school

Police cordon
Children were out of the building and safe, said police [BBC]

A secondary school has been evacuated after a threat was made, police have said.

All students at Myton School in Warwick were out of the building and safe, the Warwickshire force stated.

Staff had received a "vague threat via email", according to the school.

At about 16:45 BST it said all students were now safe and with their families, and that police remained on-site.

It added: "Thank you again for your assistance today in getting all of our students safely off site."

Earlier, police stated: "We’re asking parents not to come to the school and allow emergency services to respond."

People were also asked to avoid the area around the school in Myton Road, which police said had been closed due to the incident.

The school advised parents to look for updates on social media or for more information on its school post system.

In one post, it said staff had received a "vague threat via email" and its first priority had been the safety of students and staff.

Area near school
Earlier, police asked parents not to come to the school [BBC]

Ch Insp Faz Chishty said the message was "thank you for your patience and tolerance, it's appreciated".

He added: "I'm very grateful to everybody's support from the local community who've allowed us to work through the incident seamlessly."

Ch Insp Chishty said he could not give an exact time for lifting the cordon.

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