Chelsea Clinton's Spinach Pancakes Cause Internet Frenzy

“I cannot tell a lie: This makes burnt steak with ketchup seem appetizing,” one Twitter user wrote.

Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton took almost everyone by surprise Tuesday afternoon when she posted a picture on her Twitter account of “spinach pancakes” she made for daughter Charlotte on National Pancake Day.

“Spinach pancakes for #NationalPancakeDay (we won’t eat them all tonight although Charlotte would if we let her)!” Clinton, 36, tweeted.

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But Twitter users were grossed out rather than enticed by the dish. Here’s how some of them responded:

“I cannot tell a lie: This makes burnt steak with ketchup seem appetizing,” one Twitter user wrote.

Clinton, who was a vegetarian for nearly two decades, did not remain mum about her green pancakes, she responded in a tweet Wednesday.

"Dear internet, my daughter needs +iron so we put spinach in everything we can. The pancakes may not be pretty but she eats them(&their iron)” she wrote.

One Twitter user asked Clinton if she had ever tried a banana-spinach bread.

Clinton said: “I haven't! We will, thank you!”

However, Clinton eventually steered the subject to the Republicans’ Obamacare replacement plan, saying the country “may not agree on spinach pancakes,” but they can unanimously agree that Americans should not have a healthcare plan they cannot afford.

Chris Hayes, a political commentator on MSNBC, asked Clinton the million dollar question.

“My question about the spinach pancakes is: Do they taste more like spinach or more like pancakes?” he tweeted.

“More like pancakes, w/a little spinach. They're good! Pancake mix+spinach &when for breakfast+syrup. Let me know what you think” Clinton tweeted back.

Hayes said he might do the same for his almost 3-year-old kid “who is *obsessed* with pancakes, and could probably use a little more spinach."

Anyone who’s curious how Clinton made the pancakes, she provided a recipe:

“We +puréed spinach which we blend after steaming to our regular pancake recipe but with a little less mix-Hope that makes sense!” she tweeted.

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