Chelsea Clinton had the best response when Trump blocked a cancer patient on Twitter

Chelsea Clinton shot back after Donald Trump tweeted out a violent, bullying GIF of Hillary Clinton and then blocked a woman critical of his health care policy goals who happens to be a cancer patient.

SEE ALSO: Joe Biden slams Trump's classless retweet of Hillary GIF

The former first daughter posted Tuesday about Trump's latest Twitter behavior with a witty response tying together Trump's inappropriate golf GIF (which showed him "hitting" Hillary Clinton with his "powerful swing"); his thin-skinned responses to criticism; and his distracting Twitter obsession during important United Nations meetings

Laura Packard, a self-employed worker from Las Vegas, had posted earlier Tuesday about Trump's @realDonaldTrump account blocking her. 

Packard, who has stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, has been vocal in her fight to spare the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, from being repealed and replaced by a watered-down version pushed by Trump and the GOP.  The latest iteration is the so-called Cassidy-Graham health care bill slated to head to the Senate before the end of the month.

Her response to the block: "Grow the f-ck up."

It's not clear what prompted the Twitter shade from the president. But just a few days before the block, Packard had gone after Trump for his "America first" rhetoric.

Packard was able to look on the bright side in a response to Chelsea Clinton. No more Trump tweets! 

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