Check Out Halo 2 Anniversary's Remastered Map: Lockout

The Halo Master Chief Collection has offered up several remastered versions of classic maps for the game's Halo 2: Anniversary Edition, and the reveal for today is Lockout.

Describing the map, a representative from Microsoft wrote: "As one of the flagship Halo 2 tournament maps, Lockout was home to a wide host of game types, including Free-for-All, Oddball, King of the Hill, 1-Flag CTF, and of course, Team Slayer. Get ready to return to this classic battleground as Lockdown, part of the Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer experience in Halo: The Master Chief Collection."

Lockout joins the remastered maps we've already heard about, including:

You can check out comparisons of the original Halo 2 map against the upcoming Xbox One version in the images below.

Max Hoberman (president of Certain Affinity), who was lead designer on the original Halo 2 and whose studio is working with 343 on multiplayer for the Master Chief Collection, wrote, "Lockout was hands-down the most popular small arena-style map in Halo 2. We're thrilled to be bringing this fan-favorite back, and are paying close attention to the details and subtleties that made the original great while also making a couple of very careful, very calculated enhancements."

What types of changes will we see? Hoberman writes, "Most prominent among these are a bit of cover added to the 'Elbow,' the long walkway connecting the grav lift to the sniper tower, and a dynamic element that should help counter an entrenched group of enemies. Of course this can be disabled in Forge for players who want a near-match of the original experience."

Halo 2 Anniversary Edition will include all of the maps and modes from the original game with graphical updates, but the team is only working on completely remastering six of the maps. And if you're heading to PAX Prime this weekend, you'll get to try out the Halo Master Chief Collection yourself and see how the update looks on a selection of the maps.

While you're at PAX, be sure to check out all the panels, parties, and pancake breakfasts you can take part in with the GameSpot crew.

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