Change may come to downtown Muscatine parking meters

Change may come to downtown Muscatine parking meters

Right now, parking meters in downtown Muscatine are only coin-operated. Parking downtown and having to deal with parking meters can be a hassle, especially when you don’t have any spare change lying around.

(Michael Frachalla,
(Michael Frachalla,

Now, with fewer people carrying coins, Muscatine city leaders are considering an upgrade to the next generation of meters. These new meters accept credit and debit cards, coins, and a mobile app will be available as another form of payment.

Muscatine Mayor Brad Bark told Our Quad Cities News the upgrades can make it easier to park in Muscatine and it can attract more customers to local businesses. Many residents say it’s a change that’s long overdue. However, some aren’t sold on changing anything.

One local delivery driver said it would make parking less stressful for him.

“I have to park at these, and I’m always scared,” said Muscatine delivery driver Ethan Taylor. “I don’t have quarters, so I’m always scared I’m going to get a ticket. Then I’ll end up trying to find somewhere else to park.”

(Michael Frachalla,
(Michael Frachalla,

Taylor believes modernizing the parking meters is a no-brainer.

“I think it would be a great idea because I drive by these all the time and i avoid them at any costs because I don’t ever have quarters in my car,” he said. “Being able to pay with a card and not having to find a quarter or anything would be a fantastic idea.”

Other residents see it differently. Patrick Johnson, for example, didn’t agree to go on camera, but he says he’s old-school and would prefer to pay with coins. Missipi Brewing Company’s owner, Dave Armstrong, wishes parking meters just disappeared altogether but he can also see the value of the upgrades. Leah Brower, Muscatine’s parking meter attendant, believes upgrading the parking meters is a great idea and could prevent some drivers from getting tickets.

(Michael Frachalla,
(Michael Frachalla,

“It’s going to help a lot of people not to get as many tickets hopefully, fingers crossed,” said Brower. “You’re not losing out on anything. Unfortunately, prices will go up. That’s the only downfall to it. Otherwise, we are accommodating to everyone. The old-school, the modernized,” she added.

Some also believe the upgraded parking meters could attract more people into downtown.

“It would be way better for businesses and everything,” Taylor said. “Being able to pay and go inside with no issues, rather than looking for quarters everywhere.”

“I do think it will attract more people,” Brower said. “I hope it does.”

(Michael Frachalla,
(Michael Frachalla,

The costs of the new meters still need to be evaluated if the city decides to go forward with this proposal.

City leaders will decide whether to move forward with this proposal Thursday. It will be discussed during a city council meeting that began at 6 p.m. For more information on the proposal, click here, then click on May 9 city council in-depth meeting, then click on “agenda packet.”

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