Centuries old Halifax house begins painstaking journey across the city

HALIFAX - A 249-year-old Halifax home successfully completed the first phase of its painstaking, two-day journey through the downtown streets of the city early today.

Morris House was named after the city's first surveyor and is considered to be among the earliest houses built in Halifax.

The grey, wood-shingled house was taken up a steep hill on a tractor trailor in the middle of the night, with two forklifts providing support at the back.

It then moved past the landmark Citadel Hill at a walking pace as onlookers shot videos and snapped photos of the procession.

At about 6 a.m., the moving crew parked the house at the side of the road, while Nova Scotia Power crews moved utility lines to permit the final stage of the journey Sunday morning.

The house was rescued from demolition in 2009 and is bound for a new location in the city where it will be revitalized and turned into affordable housing for adults.