CCCRA approves work for downtown trail signage, street marking connection

EBENSBURG, Pa. – Members of the Cambria County Conservation and Recreation Authority accepted a quote at Friday’s meeting from Berkebile Excavating for signage and street markings to connect the Jim Mayer Riverswalk Trail to the Path of the Flood Trail through downtown Johnstown.

“This will really nicely tie together the off-road trail that we have,” said board member Brad Clemenson. “People will easily be able to figure out where they’re going – coming in on the Mayer trail to get to downtown and connect to the Path of the Flood Trail.”

This work is part of the Johnstown urban connectivity project and will cost $121,241 for three segments designed by H.F. Lenz Co.

Clemenson said the signage and markings were bid out, and Berkebile Excavating was the lowest.

The first segment is from Washington Street past Central Park, across the Franklin Street bridge and down Somerset Street to Sandyvale Memorial Gardens, where the Jim Mayer trail ends.

The second segment connects Haynes and Somerset streets and ties into the bicycle lanes on Franklin Street.

The third segment is on Baumer Street and will connect Sandyvale to the intersection of Bedford and Adams streets.

By placing new signs and street markings, hikers, bikers and walkers can go through downtown Johnstown and connect to the Path of the Flood Trail, which travels from the former site of the South ForkDam to Clinton and Washington streets and ends at the Johnstown Flood Museum.

The group also approved an amendment to the contract with H.F. Lenz Co. to include construction oversight not to exceed $18,000.

Additionally, the board heard from CCCRA Program Coordinator Caytlin Lusk, who said she’s still seeking volunteers for the 10th anniversary Path of the Flood Historic Races May 25 and the Ghost Town Trail Challenge June 15.

Volunteers will help hand out medals, track finishers and give out rewards.

“It’s a really great experience,” Lusk said of volunteering and addedthat the service is humbling as well.

For more information and to volunteer, contact Lusk at