Catholic priest ‘assaulted’ parishioner after family brought puppy to church

Father Michael Brookes has been told to 'stand down from his priestly ministries' and undergo a 'psychological assessment'
Father Michael Brookes has been told to 'stand down from his priestly ministries' and undergo a 'psychological assessment'

A Catholic priest allegedly assaulted a parishioner who spoke out about a family being turned away from a Christmas Eve service after they brought a puppy with them.

Father Michael Brookes, 62, was accused of dragging the 77-year-old pensioner into a room and screaming at her after she questioned his decision not to allow the dog in his chapel.

The incident led to Fr Brookes cancelling Mass and ordering worshippers to leave the St Thomas More chapel in Harleston, Norfolk.

The woman complained about the priest’s behaviour to the Catholic Diocese of East Anglia.

Peter Collins, the Bishop of East Anglia, ruled that he should “stand down from his priestly ministries” and undergo a “psychological assessment”.

Fr Michael, a former psychiatric nurse, was ordained in 2019 and appointed as priest at Harleston, and at St Edmund’s Church in Bungay, Suffolk, in 2021.

St Thomas More chapel in Harleston, Norfolk,  where Father Michael Brookes was accused of 'screaming' at a pensioner
St Thomas More chapel in Harleston, Norfolk, where Father Michael Brookes was accused of 'screaming' at a pensioner - East Anglia News Service

His departure has led to the cancellation of services at Harleston, and some at the St Edmund’s Church, as the diocese does not have enough priests to cover them.

The row happened shortly before Fr Michael was due to lead a Christmas Eve Mass last year.

‘Dragged me into the room’

The woman, a parishioner for several years, said: “Fr Michael gripped me and shook me, having dragged me into a room which nobody could see into, while shouting in my face.

“It was all because I said he was wrong to rudely dismiss a family from the door as a small boy had a puppy with him. It was very scary.

“I tried to leave and he dragged me back into the room and continued shouting in my face.

“Finally I managed to escape the room before the Father then ordered those in attendance for the ceremony out of the chapel.”

The woman, who is a widow, added: “What was most terrifying wasn’t the physical manhandling, it was the way he screamed in my face, spitting as he shouted out of control.”

She said she gave church leaders an ultimatum to dismiss Fr Michael or she would contact police, having previously raised concerns with the diocese about his behaviour.

‘He lost the plot’

The woman said: “In the preceding weeks, there had been incidents where the man had also lost the plot at people, screaming at them, and it was becoming more and more frequent.

“The clues for this eventual physical attack were there for a long time, as there had been many reported incidents.

“The bottom line is that he was abusive [to] the whole parish for over two years and it has resulted in the closure of the Harleston site, which is so sad for so many people.”

She said she had not received a proper apology from the priest, the Bishop or the diocese.

‘Physical contact’

A spokesman for the diocese said: “We can confirm that an incident took place on Christmas Eve 2023 at St Thomas More, Harleston, between parish priest Fr Michael Brookes and a parishioner.

“There was an argument and physical contact on a parishioner by Fr Brookes, which did not result in an injury.

“Fr Brookes immediately reported the incident to the diocesan safeguarding service. The parishioner did not regard it as a police matter.

“After a thorough investigation by the diocesan safeguarding service, Bishop Peter Collins took the decision that the priest should stand down from his priestly ministries and undergo independent clinical psychological assessment; he will be supported by diocesan authorities through the coming period.

“In consequence, Fr Brookes is currently out of ministry and is no longer resident in the parish.”

Bishop Peter has said that he held a series of meetings and conversations with Fr Michael, from last summer onwards, regarding his health and his role.

‘Significant stress’

He said that the priest had been “experiencing the effects of significant stress over recent months, not least as a result of his concern regarding the health of his elderly mother” as well as discussions regarding the reorganisation of parishes.

The Bishop added in a statement: “This is a very sad and upsetting situation for everyone and the safety and well-being of all involved are our primary concern.

“I wish to express my sadness and regret to the victim for what she experienced. We offer her the assurance of our prayers and support.

“Please be assured that I will continue to pray for everyone involved and the parishes of Bungay and Beccles.”

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