Catholic nuns group says Vatican-ordered overhaul based on 'unsubstantiated,' 'flawed' claims

NEW YORK, N.Y. - The umbrella group for U.S. Roman Catholic nuns says the Vatican crackdown on their organization is based on unfounded claims and has hurt the church.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious says they are sending their top administrators to Rome in two weeks to meet with the Vatican officials in charge of their case.

The sisters made the statement Friday after a three-day board meeting.

The Vatican's orthodoxy watchdog in April accused the group of serious doctrinal problems. The Vatican said the organization took positions that undermined Catholic teaching on the priesthood, marriage and homosexuality. The Holy See ordered a complete overhaul of the group.

An outpouring of support for nuns by Catholics and others followed. Vigils, protests and prayer services defending the sisters have been held nationwide.