Cat Culture Has Gone Too Far

The saturation of cats online has caused an overflow of the whiskered animals into a number of previously cat-free domains, including the world of fine art. Now, cats have put the publishing world in their crosshairs, led by the Internet-famous Grumpy Cat, who next week will release a new book based on her life and friends, titled Grumpy Cat: A Grumpy Book.

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Of course, Grumpy Cat — or "Tardar Sauce," as her owner named her — did not actually write the book, which appears to essentially be an assortment of photos of the cat next to things around the house, as the Los Angeles Times featured in a sneak preview of the book (and it's only $10!). No, the true author is Bryan Bundesen, an Ohio man who has used photos of his sister's cat to form a booming business based on the animal's pouty limps and death-glare eyes.

RELATED: The Grumpy Cat Movie Might Finally Be the End of Grumpy Cat

As The Atlantic Wire's resident cat-hater, it falls to me to become the grumpy one here: Who exactly would pay real money for more pictures of this ugly, angry looking cat? What kind of people are lining up to get Grumpy Cat's "pawtograph" at a book release event in Los Angeles? Well, these kinds of people:

Cat-haters and grumps, it's time to fight back. Whether you have a case of the Mondays or just dislike felines, it's time we ask. When will the world unite against these menaces poisoning our Kindles and bookstores?